DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit. More...


 Namespace for implementation details of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for implementation details of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities.
 Namespace for the dd4hep event display specializations.
 Namespace for base segmentations.
 DD4hep internal namespace.
 Utility namespace: Errors.
 Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting JSON utilities.
 Namespace for the AIDA detector for utilities using boost::spirit parsers.
 Namespace for the reconstruction part of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities.


class  Alignment
 Main handle class to hold an alignment object. More...
class  AlignmentCondition
 Main handle class to hold an alignment conditions object. More...
class  AlignmentData
 Derived condition data-object definition. More...
class  AlignmentsNominalMap
 An implementation of the ConditionsMap interface to fall back to nominal alignment. More...
class  Annotation
 Class to add annotations to eve viewers. More...
class  ApplyFactory
 Template class with a generic signature to apply Detector plugins. More...
class  Assembly
 Implementation class extending the ROOT assembly volumes (TGeoVolumeAssembly) More...
class  Atom
 Handle class describing an element in the periodic table. More...
class  Author
 Handle class describing an author entity. More...
class  BasicGrammar
 Base class describing string evaluation to C++ objects using boost::spirit. More...
class  BooleanSolid
 Base class describing boolean (=union,intersection,subtraction) solids. More...
class  BorderSurface
 Class to support the handling of optical surfaces. More...
class  Box
 Class describing a box shape. More...
struct  BoxsetCreator
 Fill a 3D box set from a hit collection. More...
class  ByName
 Helper functor to select elements by name (using name() member method) More...
class  ByNameAttr
 Helper functor to select elements by name (using name member variable) More...
class  Callback
 Definition of the generic callback structure for member functions. More...
struct  CallbackSequence
 Definition of an actor on sequences of callbacks. More...
class  Calo2DProjection
 2D projection operator for calorimeters More...
class  Calo3DProjection
 3D projection for calorimeters More...
class  CaloLego
 Lego plot for calorimeter energy deposits. More...
class  CartesianField
 Base class describing any field with 3D cartesian vectors for the field strength. More...
class  CartesianGridUV
 Implementation class for the grid UV segmentation. More...
class  CartesianGridXY
 Implementation class for the grid XY segmentation. More...
class  CartesianGridXYZ
 Implementation class for the grid XYZ segmentation. More...
class  CartesianGridXZ
 Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation. More...
class  CartesianGridYZ
 Implementation class for the grid YZ segmentation. More...
class  CartesianStripX
 Implementation class for the strip X segmentation. More...
class  CartesianStripY
 Implementation class for the strip Y segmentation. More...
class  CartesianStripZ
 Implementation class for the strip Z segmentation. More...
class  Condition
 Main condition object handle. More...
class  ConditionAny
 Main condition object handle. More...
class  ConditionKey
 Key definition to optimize ans simplyfy the access to conditions entities. More...
class  ConditionsMap
 ConditionsMap class. More...
class  ConditionsMapping
 Concrete ConditionsMap implementation class using externally defined containers. More...
class  ConditionsSelect
 Conditions selector functor. Default implementation selects everything evaluated. More...
class  ConditionsSelectWrapper
 Conditions selector functor. Wraps a user defined object by reference. More...
class  Cone
 Class describing a cone shape. More...
class  ConeSegment
 Class describing a cone segment shape. More...
class  Constant
 Handle class describing a constant (define) object in description. More...
class  ConstantField
 Implementation object of a field with constant strength. More...
class  ConstantObject
 Concrete object implementation for the Constant handle. More...
class  ConstructionFactory
class  ContextMenu
 DD4hep specific TEve context menu. More...
class  ContextMenuHandler
 DD4hep specific handler for TEve context menus. More...
struct  ConversionArg
 Helper structure for data conversion. More...
class  CutTube
 Class describing a tube shape of a section of a cut tube segment. More...
class  CylindricalGridPhiZ
 Implementation class for the grid PhiZ segmentation. More...
class  dd4hep_file
 dd4hep file handling extension to boost::iostreams More...
class  dd4hep_file_sink
 dd4hep file sink extension to boost::iostreams More...
class  dd4hep_file_source
 dd4hep file source extension to boost::iostreams More...
struct  dd4hep_lock_t
 Do-nothing compatibility std::unique_ptr emulation for cxx-98. More...
struct  dd4hep_mutex_t
 Do-nothing compatibility std::unique_ptr emulation for cxx-98. More...
class  dd4hep_ptr
 Out version of the std auto_ptr implementation base either on auto_ptr or unique_ptr. More...
class  dd4hep_units
class  DD4hepMenu
 dd4hep Menu for the ROOT browser More...
struct  DDEve
 ROOT interactive interface class for running DDEve. More...
class  DDEveHit
 DDEve event classes: Basic hit. More...
struct  DDEveHitActor
 Event data actor base class for hits. Used to extract data from concrete classes. More...
class  DDEveParticle
 Data structure to store the MC particle information. More...
struct  DDEveParticleActor
 Event data actor base class for particles. Used to extract data from concrete classes. More...
class  DDG4EventHandler
 Event I/O handler class for the dd4hep event display. More...
class  DDPython
 Python interface class for callbacks and GIL. More...
class  DDTest
 Simple class for defining unit tests. More...
class  Delta
 Class describing an condition to re-adjust an alignment. More...
class  Detector
 The main interface to the dd4hep detector description package. More...
class  DetectorConstructionFactory
 Template class for a generic dd4hep object constructor. More...
class  DetectorData
 Data implementation class of the Detector interface. More...
class  DetectorHelper
 DetectorHelper: class to shortcut certain questions to the dd4hep detector description interface. More...
class  DetectorImp
 Concrete implementation class of the Detector interface. More...
class  DetectorLoad
 Data implementation class of the Detector interface. More...
class  DetectorProcessor
 Generic Detector processor. More...
class  DetectorProcessorShared
 Wrapper to call objects in the form of a detector element processor. More...
class  DetectorScanner
 Helper to run DetElement scans. More...
class  DetectorSelector
 View on Detector to select detectors according to certain criteria. More...
class  DetElement
 Handle class describing a detector element. More...
class  DetElementCreator
 DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry. More...
class  DetElementObject
 Data class with properties of a detector element. More...
class  DetElementProcessor
 Detector scanner using a Processor object. More...
class  DetElementsCollector
 Generic detector element collector of a sub-tree. More...
class  DetElementVolumeIDs
 Actor class to assign volume identifiers to DetElements in a subdetector tree. More...
class  DetNominalCreator
 DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry. More...
class  DetType
 Helper class for encoding sub detector types in a flag word. More...
class  DipoleField
 Implementation object of a dipole magnetic field. More...
class  Display
 The main class of the DDEve display. More...
class  DisplayConfiguration
 Generic display configuration structure for DDEve. More...
class  EightPointSolid
 Class describing an arbitray solid defined by 8 vertices. More...
class  ElementList
 Local implementation with overrides of the TEveElementList. More...
class  ElementListContextMenu
 DDEve context menu class. More...
class  EllipticalTube
 Class describing a twisted tube shape. More...
struct  EtaPhiHistogramActor
 Fill EtaPhi histograms from a hit collection. More...
class  EventConsumer
 Event event consumer base class for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O. More...
class  EventControl
 Event input control for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O. More...
class  EventHandler
 Event handler base class: Interface to all DDEve I/O actions. More...
class  EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu
 class EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h DDEve/EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h More...
class  EveShapeContextMenu
 class EveShapeContextMenu EveShapeContextMenu.h DDEve/EveShapeContextMenu.h More...
class  EveUserContextMenu
 class EveUserContextMenu EveUserContextMenu.h DDEve/EveUserContextMenu.h More...
class  ExtensionEntry
 Definition of the extension entry interface class. More...
class  ExtrudedPolygon
 Class describing a extruded polygon shape. More...
struct  Filter
class  FrameControl
 class FrameControl FrameControl.h DDEve/FrameControl.h More...
class  Geant4LogicalVolumeFactory
 Templated factory method to G4ExtendedMaterial objects. More...
class  Geant4MaterialFactory
 Templated factory method to G4ExtendedMaterial objects. More...
class  Geant4SensitiveDetectorFactory
 Deprecated: Templated factory method to create sensitive detector. More...
class  Geant4SetupAction
 Templated factory method to invoke setup action. More...
class  GenericEventHandler
 Event handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions. More...
class  Grammar
 Concrete type dependent grammar definition. More...
class  GrammarRegistry
 Grammar registry interface. More...
class  GridPhiEta
 Implementation class for the grid phi-eta segmentation. More...
class  GridRPhiEta
 Implementation class for the grid phi-eta segmentation. More...
class  HalfSpace
 Class describing half-space. More...
class  Handle
 Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects. More...
class  Header
 Handle class describing the basic information about geometry objects as it is defined in Detector. More...
class  HeaderObject
 Concrete object implementation for the Header handle. More...
class  HitCollection
 Definition of the HitCollection parameters used by the Readout. More...
class  Hyperboloid
 Class describing a Hyperboloid shape. More...
class  IDDescriptor
 Class implementing the ID encoding of the detector response. More...
class  IDDescriptorObject
 Concrete object implementation of the IDDescriptorObject Handle. More...
struct  Increment
 Helper class to count call stack depths of certain functions. More...
struct  InstanceCount
 Helper to support object counting when debugging memory leaks. More...
class  IntersectionSolid
 Class describing boolean intersection solid. More...
class  IOV
 Class describing the interval of validty. More...
class  IOVType
 Class describing the interval of validty type. More...
class  JsonDetElementFactory
 Standard factory to create Detector elements from the compact XML representation. More...
class  Layer
 Class to describe one layer in a layering stack. More...
class  Layering
 Class to convert a layering object from the compact notation. More...
class  LayerSlice
 Class to describe the slice of one layer in a layering stack. More...
class  LayerStack
 Class to describe a layering stack. More...
class  LCIOEventHandler
 LCIO input event handler for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O. More...
class  Limit
 Small object describing a limit structure acting on a particle type. More...
class  LimitSet
 Handle class describing a set of limits as they are used for simulation. More...
class  LimitSetObject
 Concrete object implementation of the LimitSet Handle. More...
class  Material
 Handle class describing a material. More...
struct  MCParticleCreator
 Fill eve particles from a MC particle collection. More...
class  MultipoleField
 Implementation object of a Multipole magnetic field. More...
class  MultiSegmentation
 Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation. More...
class  MultiView
 class MultiView MultiView.h DDEve/MultiView.h More...
class  NamedObject
 Implementation of a named object. More...
class  NoSegmentation
 Implementation class for the grid XY segmentation. More...
class  ObjectExtensions
 Implementation of an object supporting arbitrary user extensions. More...
class  OpaqueData
 Class describing an opaque data block. More...
class  OpaqueDataBlock
 Class describing an opaque conditions data block. More...
class  OpticalSurface
 Class to support the handling of optical surfaces. More...
class  OpticalSurfaceManager
 Class to support the handling of optical surfaces. More...
class  OverlayedField
 Class describing a field overlay with several sources. More...
class  Paraboloid
 Class describing a Paraboloid shape. More...
class  Path
 Path handling class. More...
class  PlacedVolume
 Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) More...
class  PlacedVolumeExtension
 Implementation class extending the ROOT placed volume. More...
class  PlacedVolumeFeatureExtension
class  PlacedVolumeProcessor
 Generic PlacedVolume processor. More...
class  PlacedVolumeScanner
 Helper to run placement scan through volume hierarchies scans. More...
class  PlacementProcessor
 PlacedVolume scanner using a Processor object. More...
class  PlacementProcessorShared
 Wrapper to call objects in the form of a PlacedVolume processor. More...
struct  PluginDebug
 Helper to debug plugin manager calls. More...
struct  PluginFactoryBase
 Factory base class implementing some utilities. More...
class  PluginRegistry
 Factory template for the plugin mechanism. More...
class  PluginService
 Factory template for the plugin mechanism. More...
class  PluginTester
 Helper class to ease testing of plugins: Effectively a container of object extensions. More...
struct  PointsetCreator
 Fill a 3D pointset from a hit collection. More...
class  PolarGridRPhi
 Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation. More...
class  PolarGridRPhi2
 Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation. More...
class  Polycone
 Class describing a Polycone shape. More...
class  Polyhedra
 Class describing a regular polyhedron shape. More...
class  PolyhedraRegular
 Class describing a regular polyhedron shape. More...
class  PopupMenu
 class PopupMenu PopupMenu.h DDEve/PopupMenu.h More...
class  Projection
 class Projection Projection.h DDEve/Projection.h More...
class  Property
 The property class to assign options to actions. More...
class  PropertyConfigurable
 Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties. More...
class  PropertyInterface
 Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties. More...
class  PropertyManager
 Manager to ease the handling of groups of properties. More...
class  PropertyTable
 Class to support the handling of optical surfaces. More...
class  PropertyValue
 Concrete template instantiation of a combined property value pair. More...
class  PseudoTrap
 Class describing a pseudo trap shape (CMS'ism) More...
class  Readout
 Handle to the implementation of the readout structure of a subdetector. More...
class  ReadoutObject
 Concrete object implementation of the Readout Handle. More...
class  ReflectionBuilder
 Scan geometry and create reflected volumes. More...
class  Region
 Handle class describing a region as used in simulation. More...
class  RegionObject
 Concrete object implementation of the Region Handle. More...
class  RhoPhiProjection
 class RhoPhiProjection RhoPhiProjection.h DDEve/RhoPhiProjection.h More...
class  RhoZProjection
 class RhoZProjection RhoZProjection.h DDEve/RhoZProjection.h More...
class  Scale
 Class describing a Scale shape. More...
class  Segmentation
 Handle class supporting generic Segmentations of sensitive detectors. More...
class  SegmentationFactory
 Template class for a generic segmentation object constructor. More...
class  SegmentationObject
 Implementation class supporting generic Segmentation of sensitive detectors. More...
class  SegmentationWrapper
 Concrete wrapper class for segmentation implementation based on DDSegmentation objects. More...
class  SensitiveDetector
 Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector. More...
class  SensitiveDetectorObject
 Data class with properties of sensitive detectors. More...
class  ShapelessSolid
 Class describing a shape-less solid shape. More...
class  SignalHandler
 Interruptsback interface class with argument. More...
class  SimpleConstructionFactory
 Template class with a generic constructor signature. More...
class  SkinSurface
 Class to support the handling of optical surfaces. More...
class  SolenoidField
 Implementation object of a solenoidal magnetic field. More...
class  Solid_type
 Base class for Solid (shape) objects. More...
struct  SpecPar
struct  SpecParRegistry
class  Sphere
 Class describing a sphere shape. More...
struct  StartVertexCreator
 Fill a 3D pointset with particle start vertices. More...
class  STD_Conditions
 Helper class to access default temperature and pressure. More...
class  SubtractionSolid
 Class describing boolean subtraction solid. More...
class  SurfaceInstaller
 Base class to implement surface installers for known detector patterns. More...
class  TessellatedSolid
 Class describing a tessellated shape. More...
class  Torus
 Class describing a Torus shape. More...
struct  TowersetCreator
 Fill a 3D tower set from a hit collection. More...
class  TranslationFactory
 Specialized factory to translate objects, which can be retrieved from Detector. More...
class  Trap
 Class describing a trap shape. More...
class  Trd1
 Class describing a Trd1 shape. More...
class  Trd2
 Class describing a Trd2 shape. More...
class  TruncatedTube
 Class describing a truncated tube shape (CMS'ism) More...
class  Tube
 Class describing a tube shape of a section of a tube. More...
class  TwistedTube
 Class describing a twisted tube shape. More...
class  TwistedTubeObject
 Concrete object implementation for the Header handle. More...
class  UnionSolid
 Class describing boolean union solid. More...
class  View
 class View View.h DDEve/View.h More...
class  View3D
 class View3D View3D.h DDEve/View3D.h More...
class  ViewMenu
 class ViewMenu ViewMenu.h DDEve/ViewMenu.h More...
class  VisAttr
 Handle class describing visualization attributes. More...
class  VisAttrObject
 Concrete object implementation of the VisAttr Handle. More...
class  VisDensityProcessor
 DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry. More...
class  VisMaterialProcessor
 DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry. More...
class  VisVolNameProcessor
 DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry. More...
class  Volume
 Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) More...
class  VolumeExtension
 Implementation class extending the ROOT volume (TGeoVolume) More...
class  VolumeManager
 Class to support the retrieval of detector elements and volumes given a valid identifier. More...
class  VolumeManagerContext
 This structure describes the cached data for one placement held by the volume manager. More...
class  VolumeMulti
 Implementation class extending the ROOT mulit-volumes (TGeoVolumeMulti) More...
class  WaferGridXY
 Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation. More...
class  World
 Handle class to hold the information of the top DetElement object 'world'. More...
class  WorldObject
 Data class with properties of a detector element. More...
class  XMLConversionFactory
 Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze its content. More...
class  XmlDetElementFactory
 Standard factory to create Detector elements from an XML representation. More...
class  XMLDocumentReaderFactory
 Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze its content. More...
class  XMLElementFactory
 Create an arbitrary object from its XML representation. More...
class  XMLObjectFactory
 Standard factory to create ROOT objects from an XML representation. More...


typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianGridUV > > CartesianGridUVHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXY > > CartesianGridXYHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXYZ > > CartesianGridXYZHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianGridXZ > > CartesianGridXZHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianGridYZ > > CartesianGridYZHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianStripX > > CartesianStripXHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianStripY > > CartesianStripYHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CartesianStripZ > > CartesianStripZHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef std::vector< ConditionRangeConditions
typedef ConditionsMapping< std::map< Condition::key_type, Condition > > ConditionsTreeMap
 Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a left-right map. More...
typedef ConditionsMapping< std::multimap< Condition::key_type, Condition > > ConditionsMultiMap
 Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a multimap. More...
typedef ConditionsMapping< std::unordered_map< Condition::key_type, Condition > > ConditionsHashMap
 Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a hashmap. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::CylindricalGridPhiZ > > CylindricalGridPhiZHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Position Direction
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::GridPhiEta > > GridPhiEtaHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::GridRPhiEta > > GridRPhiEtaHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< NamedObjectRef_t
 Default Ref_t definition describing named objects. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::MultiSegmentation > > MultiSegmentationHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::NoSegmentation > > NoSegmentationHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiVector PositionRhoZPhi
typedef ROOT::Math::Polar3DVector PositionPolar
typedef ROOT::Math::XYZVector Position
typedef ROOT::Math::XYZVector XYZAngles
typedef ROOT::Math::RotationZYX RotationZYX
typedef ROOT::Math::RotationZ RotationZ
typedef ROOT::Math::RotationY RotationY
typedef ROOT::Math::RotationX RotationX
typedef ROOT::Math::Rotation3D Rotation3D
typedef ROOT::Math::EulerAngles EulerAngles
typedef ROOT::Math::Transform3D Transform3D
typedef ROOT::Math::Translation3D Translation3D
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::PolarGridRPhi > > PolarGridRPhiHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::PolarGridRPhi2 > > PolarGridRPhi2Handle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef Solid_type< TGeoShape > Solid
typedef Trd2 Trapezoid
 Shortcut name definition. More...
using Paths = std::vector< std::string >
using PartSelectionMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > >
using VectorsMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< double > >
using SpecParMap = std::unordered_map< std::string, SpecPar >
using SpecParRefs = std::vector< std::pair< std::string, const SpecPar * > >
typedef Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::WaferGridXY > > WaferGridXYHandle
 We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable. More...
typedef std::vector< DDEveHitDDEveHits
typedef std::vector< DDEveParticleDDEveParticles
typedef DisplayConfiguration::Configurations Configurations
typedef DisplayConfiguration::ViewConfigurations ViewConfigurations


enum  DetectorBuildType {
 Detector description build types. More...
enum  dd4hep_file_flags { never_close_handle = 0, close_handle = 3 }


std::string _getValidity (xml_h elt)
 Helper: Extract the validity from the xml element. More...
DetElement _getDetector (void *param, xml_h e)
 Helper: Extract the required detector element from the parsing information. More...
Entry_createStackEntry (void *param, xml_h element)
 Helper: Extract the string value from the xml element. More...
template<typename T , typename... _Args>
any make_any (_Args &&... __args)
 Create an any holding a _Tp constructed from __args. More...
DetectorBuildType buildType (const char *value)
 Translate string representation of the geometry build type to value. More...
DetectorBuildType buildType (const std::string &value)
 Translate string representation of the geometry build type to value. More...
std::string buildTypeName (DetectorBuildType type)
 Translate the geometry build type to value to the string representation. More...
std::string buildTypeName (Detector &detector)
 Translate the geometry build type to value to the string representation. More...
bool buildMatch (const std::string &value, DetectorBuildType match)
 Check if a build type matches the current. More...
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::vector< T > &c, Q, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::vector< Q > &c, Q de, const T &)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::list< T > &c, Q, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::list< Q > &c, Q de, const T &)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::set< T > &c, Q, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::set< Q > &c, Q de, const T &)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::map< Q, T > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::map< T, Q > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::vector< std::pair< Q, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::list< std::pair< Q, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::list< std::pair< std::string, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::set< std::pair< Q, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::set< std::pair< std::string, T > > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::multimap< Q, T > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::map< std::string, T > &c, Q de, const T &d)
template<typename Q , typename T >
void insert_item (std::multimap< std::string, T > &c, Q de, const T &d)
std::string versionString ()
 return a string with the current dd4hep version in the form vXX-YY. More...
std::string Detector::constant< std::string > (const std::string &name) const
 Typed access to constants: string values. More...
template<typename T >
DetElementProcessor< typename std::remove_reference< T >::type > detectorProcessor (T &&proc)
 Instantiation helper. More...
template<typename T >
DetElementsCollector< typename std::remove_reference< T >::type > detElementsCollector (T &&container)
 Creator utility function for DetElementsCollector objects. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DetType &t)
bool set_allow_variable_redefine (bool value)
 Steer redefinition of variable re-definition during expression evaluation. returns old value. More...
long num_object_validations ()
void increment_object_validations ()
void warning_deprecated_xml_factory (const char *name)
 Function tp print warning about deprecated factory usage. Used by Plugin mechanism. More...
unsigned long long int magic_word ()
 Access to the magic word, which is protecting some objects against memory corruptions. More...
std::string remove_whitespace (const std::string &v)
 String manipulations: Remove unconditionally all white spaces. More...
std::string _toString (bool value)
 String conversions: boolean value to string. More...
std::string _toString (short value, const char *fmt="%d")
 String conversions: short integer value to string. More...
std::string _toString (int value, const char *fmt="%d")
 String conversions: integer value to string. More...
std::string _toString (unsigned long value, const char *fmt="%ld")
 String conversions: unsigned long integer value to string. More...
std::string _toString (float value, const char *fmt="%.17e")
 String conversions: float value to string. More...
std::string _toString (double value, const char *fmt="%.17e")
 String conversions: double value to string. More...
std::string _ptrToString (const void *p, const char *fmt="%p")
 Pointer to text conversion. More...
template<typename T >
std::string _toString (const T *p, const char *fmt="%p")
 Format any pointer (64 bits) to string. More...
template<typename T >
_toType (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
bool _toBool (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to boolean value. More...
short _toShort (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to short value. More...
int _toInt (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to integer value. More...
long _toLong (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to long integer value. More...
unsigned short _toUShort (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to unsigned short value. More...
unsigned int _toUInt (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to unsigned integer value. More...
unsigned long _toULong (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to long integer value. More...
float _toFloat (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to float value. More...
double _toDouble (const std::string &value)
 String conversions: string to double value. More...
bool _toBool (bool value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
short _toShort (short value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
int _toInt (int value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
long _toLong (long value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
unsigned short _toUShort (unsigned short value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
unsigned int _toUInt (unsigned int value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
unsigned long _toULong (unsigned long value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
float _toFloat (float value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
double _toDouble (double value)
 Void helper function to support formalisms. More...
template<class T >
_multiply (const std::string &left, T right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
template<class T >
_multiply (T left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
template<class T >
_multiply (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
char _multiply< char > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
char _multiply< char > (char left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
char _multiply< char > (const std::string &left, char right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned char _multiply< unsigned char > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned char _multiply< unsigned char > (unsigned char left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned char _multiply< unsigned char > (const std::string &left, unsigned char right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
short _multiply< short > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
short _multiply< short > (short left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
short _multiply< short > (const std::string &left, short right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned short _multiply< unsigned short > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned short _multiply< unsigned short > (unsigned short left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned short _multiply< unsigned short > (const std::string &left, unsigned short right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
int _multiply< int > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
int _multiply< int > (int left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
int _multiply< int > (const std::string &left, int right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned int _multiply< unsigned int > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned int _multiply< unsigned int > (unsigned int left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned int _multiply< unsigned int > (const std::string &left, unsigned int right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
long _multiply< long > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
long _multiply< long > (long left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
long _multiply< long > (const std::string &left, long right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned long _multiply< unsigned long > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned long _multiply< unsigned long > (unsigned long left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
unsigned long _multiply< unsigned long > (const std::string &left, unsigned long right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
float _multiply< float > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
float _multiply< float > (float left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
float _multiply< float > (const std::string &left, float right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
double _multiply< double > (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
double _multiply< double > (const std::string &left, double right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
double _multiply< double > (double left, const std::string &right)
 Generic multiplication using the evaluator: result = left * right. More...
void _toDictionary (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
 Enter name value pair to the dictionary. "value" must be a numerical expression, which is evaluated. More...
void _toDictionary (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &typ)
 Enter name value pair to the dictionary. More...
template<class V >
RotateX (const V &v, double a)
template<class V >
RotateY (const V &v, double a)
template<class V >
RotateZ (const V &v, double a)
template<typename T >
ByName< T > byName (const std::string &n)
template<typename T >
ByName< T > byName (const T *o)
template<typename T >
ByName< T > byName (const T &o)
template<typename T >
ByNameAttr< T > byNameAttr (const std::string &nam)
template<typename T >
ByNameAttr< T > byNameAttr (const T *o)
template<typename T >
ByNameAttr< T > byNameAttr (const T &o)
void * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description, void *(*cast)(void *))
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory. More...
void * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description, const std::string &arg, void *(*cast)(void *))
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory. More...
void * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description, int argc, char **argv, void *(*cast)(void *))
void * createProcessor (Detector &description, int argc, char **argv, void *(*cast)(void *))
template<typename T >
T * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description)
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type. More...
template<typename T >
T * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description, const std::string &arg)
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type. More...
template<typename T >
T * createPlugin (const std::string &factory, Detector &description, int argc, const void **argv)
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type. More...
template<typename T >
T * createProcessor (Detector &description, int argc, char **argv)
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type. More...
template<typename T >
T * createProcessor (Detector &description, int argc, const void **argv)
 Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type. More...
std::string PluginFactoryBase::value< std::string > (const void *_p)
const std::string & PluginFactoryBase::value< const std::string & > (const void *_p)
std::string toStringSolid (const TGeoShape *shape, int precision=2)
 Pretty print of solid attributes. More...
std::string toStringMesh (const TGeoShape *shape, int precision=2)
 Output mesh vertices to string. More...
std::string get_shape_tag (const TGeoShape *shape)
 Retrieve tag name from shape type. More...
std::vector< double > get_shape_dimensions (TGeoShape *shape)
 Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees) More...
void set_shape_dimensions (TGeoShape *shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
 Set the shape dimensions (As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees) More...
template<typename SOLID >
bool isInstance (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
 Type check of various shapes. Result like dynamic_cast. Compare with python's isinstance(obj,type) More...
template<typename SOLID >
bool isA (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
 Type check of various shapes. Do not allow for polymorphism. Types must match exactly. More...
template<typename SOLID >
std::vector< double > dimensions (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
 Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees) More...
template<typename SOLID >
void set_dimensions (SOLID solid, const std::vector< double > &params)
 Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VolumeManager &m)
 Enable printouts for debugging. More...
template<typename T >
PlacementProcessor< typename std::remove_reference< T >::type > placementProcessor (T &&proc)
 Instantiation helper. More...
std::string toStringMesh (PlacedVolume solid, int precision=2)
 Output mesh vertices to string. More...
template<typename T >
getAttrOrDefault (const dd4hep::xml::Element &e, const dd4hep::xml::XmlChar *attr_name, T default_value)
const dd4hep::tools::Evaluator & evaluator ()
const dd4hep::tools::Evaluator & g4Evaluator ()
 Access to G4 evaluator. Note: Uses Geant4 units! More...
void setGrammarEvaluator (const std::string &type)
 Set grammar evaluator. More...
int init_grammar_types ()
std::pair< int, double > _toFloatingPoint (const std::string &value)
std::pair< int, double > _toInteger (const std::string &value)
bool _toType< bool > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
short _toType< short > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
unsigned short _toType< unsigned short > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
int _toType< int > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
unsigned int _toType< unsigned int > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
long _toType< long > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
unsigned long _toType< unsigned long > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
float _toType< float > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
double _toType< double > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
std::string _toType< std::string > (const std::string &value)
 Generic type conversion from string to primitive value. More...
std::string _getEnviron (const std::string &env)
 Evaluate string constant using environment stored in the evaluator. More...
void dumpNode (TGeoNode *n, int level)
void dumpVolume (TGeoVolume *vol, int level)
void dumpTopVolume (const Detector &description)
void run_interpreter (const std::string &name)
std::size_t always (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t verbose (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t debug (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t info (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t warning (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t error (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
std::size_t fatal (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
void exception (const std::string &src, const std::string &msg)
template bool isInstance< Box > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Scale > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< ShapelessSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< HalfSpace > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< ConeSegment > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< CutTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< EllipticalTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Trap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Trd1 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Trd2 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Torus > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Sphere > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Paraboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Hyperboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< PolyhedraRegular > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< Polyhedra > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< ExtrudedPolygon > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< TessellatedSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isInstance< BooleanSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< Cone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< Tube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< Polycone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< EightPointSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< TwistedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< TruncatedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< PseudoTrap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< SubtractionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< UnionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isInstance< IntersectionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Box > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Scale > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< ShapelessSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< HalfSpace > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Cone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< ConeSegment > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Tube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< CutTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< EllipticalTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Trap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Trd1 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Trd2 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Torus > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Sphere > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Paraboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Hyperboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< PolyhedraRegular > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Polyhedra > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< ExtrudedPolygon > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< Polycone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< EightPointSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template bool isA< TessellatedSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< TwistedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< TruncatedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< PseudoTrap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< SubtractionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< UnionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
bool isA< IntersectionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &solid)
template<typename T >
std::vector< double > dimensions (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoShapeAssembly > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoBBox > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoHalfSpace > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoPcon > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoConeSeg > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoCone > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTube > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTubeSeg > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TwistedTubeObject > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoCtub > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoEltu > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTrd1 > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTrd2 > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoParaboloid > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoHype > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoSphere > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTorus > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoPgon > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoXtru > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoArb8 > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTrap > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoGtra > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoScaledShape > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoTessellated > (const TGeoShape *shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TGeoCompositeShape > (const TGeoShape *shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< ShapelessSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Box > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Scale > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< HalfSpace > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Polycone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< ConeSegment > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Tube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< CutTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< TwistedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< EllipticalTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Cone > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Trap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Trd1 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Trd2 > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Torus > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Sphere > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Paraboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Hyperboloid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< PolyhedraRegular > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< Polyhedra > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< ExtrudedPolygon > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< EightPointSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< TessellatedSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< BooleanSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< SubtractionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< UnionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
template std::vector< double > dimensions< IntersectionSolid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< PseudoTrap > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< TruncatedTube > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
std::vector< double > dimensions< Solid > (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
std::vector< double > get_shape_dimensions (const Handle< TGeoShape > &shape)
 Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees) More...
template<typename T >
void set_dimensions (T shape, const std::vector< double > &)
void set_dimensions (TGeoShapeAssembly *, const std::vector< double > &)
void set_dimensions (TGeoBBox *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoHalfSpace *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoPcon *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoConeSeg *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoCone *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTube *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTubeSeg *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TwistedTubeObject *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoCtub *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoEltu *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTrd1 *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTrd2 *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoParaboloid *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoHype *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoSphere *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTorus *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoPgon *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoXtru *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoArb8 *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTrap *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoGtra *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoScaledShape *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoTessellated *sh, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TGeoCompositeShape *, const std::vector< double > &)
void set_dimensions (ShapelessSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Box shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Scale shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (HalfSpace shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Polycone shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Cone shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (ConeSegment shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Tube shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (CutTube shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TwistedTube shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (EllipticalTube shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Trap shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Trd1 shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Trd2 shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Paraboloid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Hyperboloid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Sphere shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Torus shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (PolyhedraRegular shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Polyhedra shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (ExtrudedPolygon shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (EightPointSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TessellatedSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (BooleanSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (SubtractionSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (UnionSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (IntersectionSolid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (TruncatedTube shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (PseudoTrap shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
void set_dimensions (Solid shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
 Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees. More...
void set_dimensions (const TGeoShape *shape, const std::vector< double > &params)
 Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees. More...
void set_shape_dimensions (Solid solid, const std::vector< double > &params)
 Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees. More...
void EveDisplay (const char *xmlFile, const char *eventFileName)
const tools::Evaluator & cgsEvaluator ()
 Access to G4 evaluator. Note: Uses cgs units! More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.

Geant4 include files.

Geant 4 forward declarations.

Forward declarations.

ROOT includes.

podio include files

C/C++ include files.

Main handle class to hold a TGeo alignment object of type TGeoPhysicalNode.

System include files.

Framework include files.

dd4hep namespace declaration

Functions useful to make projections into various containers when using Conditions/Alignment/DetElement processors.


C/C++ include files Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

GridPhiEta DDSegmentation/include/DDSegmentation/GridPhiEta.h GridPhiEta.h

Segmentation in eta and phi.

Anna Zaborowska

GridRPhiEta DDSegmentation/include/DDSegmentation/GridRPhiEta.h GridRPhiEta.h

Segmentation in R, eta and phi. Based on GridPhiEta, addition of radial coordinate. This segmentation returns global position of the cell based on the cellID.

Anna Zaborowska

C/C++ include files Forward declarations Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

C/C++ include files

Geant4 include files C/C++ include files Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

System include files Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

Geant4 include files Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit

Typedef Documentation

◆ CartesianGridUVHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CartesianGridUV.h.

◆ CartesianGridXYHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CartesianGridXY.h.

◆ CartesianGridXYZHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CartesianGridXYZ.h.

◆ CartesianGridXZHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CartesianGridXZ.h.

◆ CartesianGridYZHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CartesianGridYZ.h.

◆ CartesianStripXHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 29 of file CartesianStripX.h.

◆ CartesianStripYHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 29 of file CartesianStripY.h.

◆ CartesianStripZHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 30 of file CartesianStripZ.h.

◆ ConditionsHashMap

Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a hashmap.

Definition at line 161 of file ConditionsMap.h.

◆ ConditionsMultiMap

Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a multimap.

Definition at line 159 of file ConditionsMap.h.

◆ ConditionsTreeMap

Concrete implementation of the conditions map using a left-right map.

Definition at line 157 of file ConditionsMap.h.

◆ Configurations

Definition at line 45 of file DisplayConfigurationParser.cpp.

◆ CylindricalGridPhiZHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file CylindricalGridPhiZ.h.

◆ DDEveHits

typedef std::vector<DDEveHit> dd4hep::DDEveHits

Definition at line 48 of file DDEveEventData.h.

◆ DDEveParticles

typedef std::vector<DDEveParticle> dd4hep::DDEveParticles

Definition at line 72 of file DDEveEventData.h.

◆ Direction

typedef ROOT::Math::XYZVector dd4hep::Direction

Definition at line 28 of file Fields.h.

◆ EulerAngles

typedef ROOT::Math::EulerAngles dd4hep::EulerAngles

◆ GridPhiEtaHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 26 of file GridPhiEta.h.

◆ GridRPhiEtaHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 26 of file GridRPhiEta.h.

◆ MultiSegmentationHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 29 of file MultiSegmentation.h.

◆ NoSegmentationHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file NoSegmentation.h.

◆ PartSelectionMap

using dd4hep::PartSelectionMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >

Definition at line 23 of file SpecParRegistry.h.

◆ Paths

using dd4hep::Paths = typedef std::vector<std::string>

Definition at line 22 of file SpecParRegistry.h.

◆ PolarGridRPhi2Handle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file PolarGridRPhi2.h.

◆ PolarGridRPhiHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file PolarGridRPhi.h.

◆ Position

typedef ROOT::Math::XYZVector dd4hep::Position

Definition at line 81 of file Objects.h.

◆ PositionPolar

typedef ROOT::Math::Polar3DVector dd4hep::PositionPolar

Definition at line 80 of file Objects.h.

◆ PositionRhoZPhi

typedef ROOT::Math::RhoZPhiVector dd4hep::PositionRhoZPhi

Definition at line 79 of file Objects.h.

◆ RangeConditions

typedef std::vector<Condition> dd4hep::RangeConditions

Definition at line 491 of file Conditions.h.

◆ Rotation3D

typedef ROOT::Math::Rotation3D dd4hep::Rotation3D

◆ RotationX

typedef ROOT::Math::RotationX dd4hep::RotationX

◆ RotationY

typedef ROOT::Math::RotationY dd4hep::RotationY

◆ RotationZ

typedef ROOT::Math::RotationZ dd4hep::RotationZ

◆ RotationZYX

typedef ROOT::Math::RotationZYX dd4hep::RotationZYX

Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by angles describing first a rotation of an angle phi (yaw) about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of an angle theta (pitch) about the new Y' axis, followed by a third rotation of an angle psi (roll) about the final X'' axis. This is sometimes referred to as the Euler 321 sequence. It has not to be confused with the typical Goldstein definition of the Euler Angles (Z-X-Z or 313 sequence) which is used by the ROOT::Math::EulerAngles class.

See also

Definition at line 105 of file Objects.h.

◆ Solid

typedef Solid_type<TGeoShape> dd4hep::Solid

Definition at line 197 of file Shapes.h.

◆ SpecParMap

using dd4hep::SpecParMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SpecPar>

Definition at line 40 of file SpecParRegistry.h.

◆ SpecParRefs

using dd4hep::SpecParRefs = typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const SpecPar*> >

Definition at line 41 of file SpecParRegistry.h.

◆ Transform3D

typedef ROOT::Math::Transform3D dd4hep::Transform3D

◆ Translation3D

typedef ROOT::Math::Translation3D dd4hep::Translation3D

◆ Trapezoid

Shortcut name definition.

Definition at line 1215 of file Shapes.h.

◆ VectorsMap

using dd4hep::VectorsMap = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<double> >

Definition at line 24 of file SpecParRegistry.h.

◆ ViewConfigurations

Definition at line 46 of file DisplayConfigurationParser.cpp.

◆ WaferGridXYHandle

We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.

Definition at line 28 of file WaferGridXY.h.

◆ XYZAngles

typedef ROOT::Math::XYZVector dd4hep::XYZAngles

Definition at line 83 of file Objects.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dd4hep_file_flags


Definition at line 50 of file IoStreams.h.

◆ DetectorBuildType

Detector description build types.

enum DetectorBuildType Detector.h dd4hep/Detector.h The corresponding flag is ONLY valid while parsing the compact description. If no eometry, ie. at all other times the accessor to the flag returns BUILD_NONE.


Definition at line 34 of file BuildType.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _createStackEntry()

Entry* dd4hep::_createStackEntry ( void *  param,
xml_h  element 

Helper: Extract the string value from the xml element.

Definition at line 91 of file ConditionsParser.cpp.

◆ _getDetector()

DetElement dd4hep::_getDetector ( void *  param,
xml_h  e 

Helper: Extract the required detector element from the parsing information.

Definition at line 83 of file ConditionsParser.cpp.

◆ _getEnviron()

std::string dd4hep::_getEnviron ( const std::string &  env)

Evaluate string constant using environment stored in the evaluator.

Definition at line 281 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _getValidity()

std::string dd4hep::_getValidity ( xml_h  elt)

Helper: Extract the validity from the xml element.

Definition at line 74 of file ConditionsParser.cpp.

◆ _ptrToString()

std::string dd4hep::_ptrToString ( const void *  p,
const char *  fmt = "%p" 

Pointer to text conversion.

Definition at line 356 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toFloatingPoint()

std::pair< int, double > dd4hep::_toFloatingPoint ( const std::string &  value)

Definition at line 62 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toInteger()

std::pair< int, double > dd4hep::_toInteger ( const std::string &  value)

Definition at line 69 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< bool >()

bool dd4hep::_toType< bool > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 127 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< double >()

double dd4hep::_toType< double > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 167 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< float >()

float dd4hep::_toType< float > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 162 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< int >()

int dd4hep::_toType< int > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 142 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< long >()

long dd4hep::_toType< long > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 152 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< short >()

short dd4hep::_toType< short > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 132 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< std::string >()

std::string dd4hep::_toType< std::string > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 172 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< unsigned int >()

unsigned int dd4hep::_toType< unsigned int > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 147 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< unsigned long >()

unsigned long dd4hep::_toType< unsigned long > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 157 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ _toType< unsigned short >()

unsigned short dd4hep::_toType< unsigned short > ( const std::string &  value)

Generic type conversion from string to primitive value.

Definition at line 137 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ always()

std::size_t dd4hep::always ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 62 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ buildMatch()

bool dd4hep::buildMatch ( const std::string &  value,
DetectorBuildType  match 

Check if a build type matches the current.

Definition at line 79 of file BuildType.cpp.

◆ buildType() [1/2]

dd4hep::DetectorBuildType dd4hep::buildType ( const char *  value)

Translate string representation of the geometry build type to value.

Definition at line 24 of file BuildType.cpp.

◆ buildType() [2/2]

dd4hep::DetectorBuildType dd4hep::buildType ( const std::string &  value)

Translate string representation of the geometry build type to value.

Definition at line 49 of file BuildType.cpp.

◆ buildTypeName() [1/2]

std::string dd4hep::buildTypeName ( dd4hep::Detector detector)

Translate the geometry build type to value to the string representation.

Definition at line 74 of file BuildType.cpp.

◆ buildTypeName() [2/2]

std::string dd4hep::buildTypeName ( dd4hep::DetectorBuildType  type)

Translate the geometry build type to value to the string representation.

Definition at line 54 of file BuildType.cpp.

◆ byName() [1/3]

template<typename T >
ByName<T> dd4hep::byName ( const std::string &  n)

Definition at line 40 of file Operators.h.

◆ byName() [2/3]

template<typename T >
ByName<T> dd4hep::byName ( const T &  o)

Definition at line 42 of file Operators.h.

◆ byName() [3/3]

template<typename T >
ByName<T> dd4hep::byName ( const T *  o)

Definition at line 41 of file Operators.h.

◆ byNameAttr() [1/3]

template<typename T >
ByNameAttr<T> dd4hep::byNameAttr ( const std::string &  nam)

Definition at line 62 of file Operators.h.

◆ byNameAttr() [2/3]

template<typename T >
ByNameAttr<T> dd4hep::byNameAttr ( const T &  o)

Definition at line 64 of file Operators.h.

◆ byNameAttr() [3/3]

template<typename T >
ByNameAttr<T> dd4hep::byNameAttr ( const T *  o)

Definition at line 63 of file Operators.h.

◆ cgsEvaluator()

const tools::Evaluator& dd4hep::cgsEvaluator ( )

Access to G4 evaluator. Note: Uses cgs units!

Definition at line 74 of file ExpressionEvaluator.cpp.

◆ createPlugin() [1/6]

template<typename T >
T* dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type.

Definition at line 42 of file PluginCreators.h.

◆ createPlugin() [2/6]

template<typename T >
T* dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description,
const std::string &  arg 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type.

Definition at line 47 of file PluginCreators.h.

◆ createPlugin() [3/6]

void * dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description,
const std::string &  arg,
void *(*)(void *)  cast 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory.

Definition at line 96 of file PluginCreators.cpp.

◆ createPlugin() [4/6]

void * dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description,
int  argc,
char **  argv,
void *(*)(void *)  cast 

Definition at line 70 of file PluginCreators.cpp.

◆ createPlugin() [5/6]

template<typename T >
T* dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description,
int  argc,
const void **  argv 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type.

Definition at line 52 of file PluginCreators.h.

◆ createPlugin() [6/6]

void * dd4hep::createPlugin ( const std::string &  factory,
Detector description,
void *(*)(void *)  cast 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory.

Signature: void* create(const char* arg);

An exception is thrown in the event the object cannot be created. The object is properly casted before given to the caller.

Definition at line 90 of file PluginCreators.cpp.

◆ createProcessor() [1/3]

template<typename T >
T* dd4hep::createProcessor ( Detector description,
int  argc,
char **  argv 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type.

Definition at line 58 of file PluginCreators.h.

◆ createProcessor() [2/3]

void * dd4hep::createProcessor ( Detector description,
int  argc,
char **  argv,
void *(*)(void *)  cast 

Definition at line 29 of file PluginCreators.cpp.

◆ createProcessor() [3/3]

template<typename T >
T* dd4hep::createProcessor ( Detector description,
int  argc,
const void **  argv 

Handler for factories of type: ConstructionFactory with casted return type.

Definition at line 64 of file PluginCreators.h.

◆ debug()

std::size_t dd4hep::debug ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 64 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ Detector::constant< std::string >()

std::string dd4hep::Detector::constant< std::string > ( const std::string &  name) const

Typed access to constants: string values.

Definition at line 402 of file Detector.h.

◆ detectorProcessor()

template<typename T >
DetElementProcessor<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> dd4hep::detectorProcessor ( T &&  proc)

Instantiation helper.

Definition at line 90 of file DetectorProcessor.h.

◆ detElementsCollector()

template<typename T >
DetElementsCollector<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> dd4hep::detElementsCollector ( T &&  container)

Creator utility function for DetElementsCollector objects.

Definition at line 157 of file DetectorProcessor.h.

◆ dimensions() [1/2]

template<typename SOLID >
std::vector< double > dd4hep::dimensions ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees)

Definition at line 467 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< BooleanSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< BooleanSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Box >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Box > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Cone >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Cone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< ConeSegment >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< ConeSegment > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< CutTube >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< CutTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< EightPointSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< EightPointSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< EllipticalTube >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< EllipticalTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< ExtrudedPolygon >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< ExtrudedPolygon > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< HalfSpace >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< HalfSpace > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Hyperboloid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Hyperboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< IntersectionSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< IntersectionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Paraboloid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Paraboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Polycone >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Polycone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Polyhedra >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Polyhedra > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< PolyhedraRegular >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< PolyhedraRegular > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< PseudoTrap >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< PseudoTrap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

Definition at line 495 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< Scale >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Scale > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< ShapelessSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< ShapelessSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Solid >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Solid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

Definition at line 495 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< Sphere >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Sphere > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< SubtractionSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< SubtractionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< TessellatedSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TessellatedSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< TGeoArb8 >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoArb8 > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoBBox >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoBBox > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoCompositeShape >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoCompositeShape > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoCone >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoCone > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoConeSeg >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoConeSeg > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoCtub >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoCtub > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoEltu >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoEltu > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoGtra >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoGtra > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoHalfSpace >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoHalfSpace > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoHype >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoHype > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoParaboloid >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoParaboloid > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoPcon >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoPcon > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoPgon >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoPgon > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoScaledShape >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoScaledShape > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoShapeAssembly >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoShapeAssembly > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoSphere >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoSphere > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTessellated >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTessellated > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTorus >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTorus > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTrap >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTrap > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTrd1 >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTrd1 > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTrd2 >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTrd2 > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTube >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTube > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoTubeSeg >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoTubeSeg > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< TGeoXtru >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TGeoXtru > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< Torus >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Torus > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Trap >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Trap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Trd1 >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Trd1 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< Trd2 >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Trd2 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< TruncatedTube >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TruncatedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

Definition at line 495 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< Tube >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< Tube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< TwistedTube >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TwistedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dimensions< TwistedTubeObject >()

std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< TwistedTubeObject > ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Definition at line 255 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ dimensions< UnionSolid >()

template std::vector<double> dd4hep::dimensions< UnionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

◆ dumpNode()

void dd4hep::dumpNode ( TGeoNode *  n,
int  level 

Definition at line 35 of file LCDD2Output.cpp.

◆ dumpTopVolume()

void dd4hep::dumpTopVolume ( const Detector description)

Definition at line 86 of file LCDD2Output.cpp.

◆ dumpVolume()

void dd4hep::dumpVolume ( TGeoVolume *  vol,
int  level 

Definition at line 71 of file LCDD2Output.cpp.

◆ error()

std::size_t dd4hep::error ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 67 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ evaluator()

const tools::Evaluator & dd4hep::evaluator ( )

Definition at line 62 of file ExpressionEvaluator.cpp.

◆ EveDisplay()

void dd4hep::EveDisplay ( const char *  xmlFile,
const char *  eventFileName 

◆ exception()

void dd4hep::exception ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 69 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ fatal()

std::size_t dd4hep::fatal ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 68 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ g4Evaluator()

const dd4hep::tools::Evaluator & dd4hep::g4Evaluator ( )

Access to G4 evaluator. Note: Uses Geant4 units!

Definition at line 68 of file ExpressionEvaluator.cpp.

◆ get_shape_dimensions() [1/2]

std::vector<double> dd4hep::get_shape_dimensions ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  shape)

Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees)

Definition at line 603 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ get_shape_dimensions() [2/2]

std::vector< double > dd4hep::get_shape_dimensions ( TGeoShape *  shape)

Access Shape dimension parameters (As in TGeo, but angles in radians rather than degrees)

Definition at line 607 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ get_shape_tag()

std::string dd4hep::get_shape_tag ( const TGeoShape *  shape)

Retrieve tag name from shape type.

Definition at line 185 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ getAttrOrDefault()

template<typename T >
T dd4hep::getAttrOrDefault ( const dd4hep::xml::Element e,
const dd4hep::xml::XmlChar attr_name,

Helper function to get attribute or return the default. If the hasAttr does not return true then the supplied default value is returned. This is useful when building a detector and you want to supply a default value.

Definition at line 29 of file Helper.h.

◆ increment_object_validations()

void dd4hep::increment_object_validations ( )

Definition at line 366 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ info()

std::size_t dd4hep::info ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 65 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ init_grammar_types()

int dd4hep::init_grammar_types ( )

Definition at line 69 of file GrammarTypes.cpp.

◆ insert_item() [1/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::list< Q > &  c,
const T &   

Definition at line 50 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [2/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::list< std::pair< Q, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 82 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [3/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::list< std::pair< std::string, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 86 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [4/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::list< T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 46 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [5/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::map< Q, T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 64 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [6/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::map< std::string, T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 104 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [7/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::map< T, Q > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 68 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [8/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::multimap< Q, T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 100 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [9/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::multimap< std::string, T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 108 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [10/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::set< Q > &  c,
const T &   

Definition at line 59 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [11/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::set< std::pair< Q, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 91 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [12/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::set< std::pair< std::string, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 95 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [13/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::set< T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 55 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [14/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::vector< Q > &  c,
const T &   

Definition at line 41 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [15/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::vector< std::pair< Q, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 73 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [16/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::vector< std::pair< std::string, T > > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 77 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ insert_item() [17/17]

template<typename Q , typename T >
void dd4hep::insert_item ( std::vector< T > &  c,
const T &  d 

Definition at line 37 of file ContainerHelpers.h.

◆ isA()

template<typename SOLID >
bool dd4hep::isA ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Type check of various shapes. Do not allow for polymorphism. Types must match exactly.

Definition at line 128 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< Box >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Box > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Cone >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Cone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< ConeSegment >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< ConeSegment > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< CutTube >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< CutTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< EightPointSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< EightPointSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< EllipticalTube >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< EllipticalTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< ExtrudedPolygon >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< ExtrudedPolygon > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< HalfSpace >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< HalfSpace > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Hyperboloid >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Hyperboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< IntersectionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isA< IntersectionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 177 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< Paraboloid >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Paraboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Polycone >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Polycone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Polyhedra >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Polyhedra > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< PolyhedraRegular >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< PolyhedraRegular > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< PseudoTrap >()

bool dd4hep::isA< PseudoTrap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 161 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< Scale >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Scale > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< ShapelessSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< ShapelessSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Sphere >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Sphere > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< SubtractionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isA< SubtractionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 165 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< TessellatedSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< TessellatedSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Torus >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Torus > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Trap >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Trap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Trd1 >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Trd1 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< Trd2 >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Trd2 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< TruncatedTube >()

bool dd4hep::isA< TruncatedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 157 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< Tube >()

template bool dd4hep::isA< Tube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isA< TwistedTube >()

bool dd4hep::isA< TwistedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 153 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isA< UnionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isA< UnionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 171 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance()

template<typename SOLID >
bool dd4hep::isInstance ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Type check of various shapes. Result like dynamic_cast. Compare with python's isinstance(obj,type)

Definition at line 59 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< BooleanSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< BooleanSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Box >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Box > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Cone >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< Cone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 82 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< ConeSegment >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< ConeSegment > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< CutTube >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< CutTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< EightPointSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< EightPointSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 93 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< EllipticalTube >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< EllipticalTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< ExtrudedPolygon >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< ExtrudedPolygon > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< HalfSpace >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< HalfSpace > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Hyperboloid >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Hyperboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< IntersectionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< IntersectionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 121 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< Paraboloid >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Paraboloid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Polycone >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< Polycone > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 90 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< Polyhedra >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Polyhedra > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< PolyhedraRegular >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< PolyhedraRegular > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< PseudoTrap >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< PseudoTrap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 107 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< Scale >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Scale > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< ShapelessSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< ShapelessSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Sphere >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Sphere > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< SubtractionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< SubtractionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 111 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< TessellatedSolid >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< TessellatedSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Torus >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Torus > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Trap >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Trap > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Trd1 >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Trd1 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< Trd2 >()

template bool dd4hep::isInstance< Trd2 > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

◆ isInstance< TruncatedTube >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< TruncatedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 103 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< Tube >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< Tube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 85 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< TwistedTube >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< TwistedTube > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 100 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ isInstance< UnionSolid >()

bool dd4hep::isInstance< UnionSolid > ( const Handle< TGeoShape > &  solid)

Definition at line 116 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ make_any()

template<typename T , typename... _Args>
any dd4hep::make_any ( _Args &&...  __args)

Create an any holding a _Tp constructed from __args.

Definition at line 36 of file Any.h.

◆ num_object_validations()

long dd4hep::num_object_validations ( )

Definition at line 363 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

std::ostream& dd4hep::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DetType t 

Definition at line 99 of file DetType.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

std::ostream & dd4hep::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VolumeManager m 

Enable printouts for debugging.

Definition at line 688 of file VolumeManager.cpp.

◆ placementProcessor()

template<typename T >
PlacementProcessor<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> dd4hep::placementProcessor ( T &&  proc)

Instantiation helper.

Definition at line 92 of file VolumeProcessor.h.

◆ PluginFactoryBase::value< const std::string & >()

const std::string& dd4hep::PluginFactoryBase::value< const std::string & > ( const void *  _p)

Definition at line 62 of file Plugins.h.

◆ PluginFactoryBase::value< std::string >()

std::string dd4hep::PluginFactoryBase::value< std::string > ( const void *  _p)

Definition at line 61 of file Plugins.h.

◆ remove_whitespace()

std::string dd4hep::remove_whitespace ( const std::string &  v)

String manipulations: Remove unconditionally all white spaces.

Definition at line 317 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ RotateX()

template<class V >
V dd4hep::RotateX ( const V &  v,
double  a 

Definition at line 85 of file Objects.h.

◆ RotateY()

template<class V >
V dd4hep::RotateY ( const V &  v,
double  a 

Definition at line 88 of file Objects.h.

◆ RotateZ()

template<class V >
V dd4hep::RotateZ ( const V &  v,
double  a 

Definition at line 91 of file Objects.h.

◆ run_interpreter()

void dd4hep::run_interpreter ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 53 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ set_allow_variable_redefine()

bool dd4hep::set_allow_variable_redefine ( bool  value)

Steer redefinition of variable re-definition during expression evaluation. returns old value.

Definition at line 56 of file Handle.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [1/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( BooleanSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 910 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [2/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Box  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 866 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [3/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Cone  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 874 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [4/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( ConeSegment  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 876 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [5/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( const TGeoShape *  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees.

Definition at line 1135 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [6/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( CutTube  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 880 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [7/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( EightPointSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 906 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [8/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( EllipticalTube  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 884 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [9/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( ExtrudedPolygon  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 904 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [10/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( HalfSpace  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 870 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [11/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Hyperboloid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 894 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [12/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( IntersectionSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 916 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [13/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Paraboloid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 892 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [14/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Polycone  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 872 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [15/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Polyhedra  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 902 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [16/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( PolyhedraRegular  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 900 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [17/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( PseudoTrap  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

calculate the displacement of the tubs w.r.t. to the trap, determine the opening angle of the tubs

Definition at line 981 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [18/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Scale  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 868 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [19/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( ShapelessSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 864 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [20/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Solid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees.

Definition at line 1064 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [21/58]

template<typename SOLID >
void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( SOLID  solid,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees.

◆ set_dimensions() [22/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Sphere  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 896 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [23/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( SubtractionSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 912 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [24/58]

template<typename T >
void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( shape,
const std::vector< double > &   

Definition at line 611 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [25/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TessellatedSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 908 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [26/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoArb8 *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 779 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [27/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoBBox *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 623 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [28/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoCompositeShape *  ,
const std::vector< double > &   

Definition at line 848 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [29/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoCone *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 659 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [30/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoConeSeg sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 650 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [31/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoCtub *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 700 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [32/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoEltu *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 709 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [33/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoGtra *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 797 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [34/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoHalfSpace *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 630 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [35/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoHype *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 737 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [36/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoParaboloid *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 730 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [37/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoPcon *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 637 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [38/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoPgon *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 763 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [39/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoScaledShape *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 809 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [40/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoShapeAssembly *  ,
const std::vector< double > &   

Definition at line 620 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [41/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoSphere *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 744 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [42/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTessellated *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 816 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [43/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTorus *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 756 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [44/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTrap *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 786 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [45/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTrd1 *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 716 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [46/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTrd2 *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 723 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [47/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTube *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 666 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [48/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoTubeSeg *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 673 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [49/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TGeoXtru *  sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 772 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [50/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Torus  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 898 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [51/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Trap  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 886 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [52/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Trd1  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 888 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [53/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Trd2  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 890 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [54/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TruncatedTube  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 919 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [55/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( Tube  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 878 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [56/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TwistedTube  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 882 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [57/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( TwistedTubeObject sh,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 682 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_dimensions() [58/58]

void dd4hep::set_dimensions ( UnionSolid  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Definition at line 914 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_shape_dimensions() [1/2]

void dd4hep::set_shape_dimensions ( Solid  solid,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees.

Definition at line 1143 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ set_shape_dimensions() [2/2]

void dd4hep::set_shape_dimensions ( TGeoShape *  shape,
const std::vector< double > &  params 

Set the shape dimensions (As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees)

Set the shape dimensions. As for the TGeo shape, but angles in rad rather than degrees.

Definition at line 1139 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ setGrammarEvaluator()

void dd4hep::setGrammarEvaluator ( const std::string &  type)

Set grammar evaluator.

Definition at line 82 of file Grammar.cpp.

◆ toStringMesh() [1/2]

std::string dd4hep::toStringMesh ( const TGeoShape *  shape,
int  precision = 2 

Output mesh vertices to string.

-----------------— DONE -----------------—

-----------------— DONE -----------------—

Definition at line 1295 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ toStringMesh() [2/2]

std::string dd4hep::toStringMesh ( PlacedVolume  solid,
int  precision = 2 

Output mesh vertices to string.

-----------------— DONE -----------------—

Definition at line 1384 of file Volumes.cpp.

◆ toStringSolid()

std::string dd4hep::toStringSolid ( const TGeoShape *  shape,
int  precision = 2 

Pretty print of solid attributes.

Utitlity functions

Definition at line 1148 of file ShapeUtilities.cpp.

◆ verbose()

std::size_t dd4hep::verbose ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 63 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ versionString()

std::string dd4hep::versionString ( )

return a string with the current dd4hep version in the form vXX-YY.

Definition at line 139 of file DetectorImp.cpp.

◆ warning()

std::size_t dd4hep::warning ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  msg 

Definition at line 66 of file RootDictionary.h.

◆ warning_deprecated_xml_factory()

void dd4hep::warning_deprecated_xml_factory ( const char *  name)

Function tp print warning about deprecated factory usage. Used by Plugin mechanism.

Definition at line 369 of file Handle.cpp.