DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
dd4hep::DDSegmentation Namespace Reference

Namespace for base segmentations. More...




class  BitField64
 A bit field of 64bits that allows convenient declaration. More...
class  BitFieldCoder
 Helper class for decoding and encoding a bit field of 64bits for convenient declaration. More...
class  BitFieldElement
 Helper class for BitFieldCoder that corresponds to one field value. More...
class  BitFieldValue
 Lightweight helper class for BitField64 that corresponds to one field value. More...
class  CartesianGrid
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation. More...
class  CartesianGridUV
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in along U,V rotated some angle from local X,Y axes. More...
class  CartesianGridXY
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Y plane. More...
class  CartesianGridXYStaggered
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Y plane. More...
class  CartesianGridXYZ
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in space. More...
class  CartesianGridXZ
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Z plane. More...
class  CartesianGridYZ
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the Y-Z plane. More...
class  CartesianStrip
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation. More...
class  CartesianStripX
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in X. More...
class  CartesianStripY
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in Y. More...
class  CartesianStripZ
 Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in Z. More...
class  CylindricalGridPhiZ
 Segmentation base class describing cylindrical grid segmentation in the Phi-Z cylinder. More...
class  CylindricalSegmentation
 Segmentation base class describing a cylindrical grid segmentation. More...
class  GridPhiEta
 Segmentation class describing segmentation in Phi-Eta. More...
class  GridRPhiEta
 Segmentation class describing segmentation in R-Phi-Eta. More...
class  HexGrid
 Segmentation base class describing hexagonal grid segmentation, with or without staggering. More...
class  MegatileLayerGridXY
 a megatile is a rectangule in x-y, split into a grid along x and y, with an exactly integer number of cells in x and y. More...
class  MultiSegmentation
 Wrapper to support multiple segmentations. More...
class  NoSegmentation
 This class exists to provide a segmenation when it is need but doesn't exist. More...
class  PolarGrid
 Segmentation base class for polar grids. More...
class  PolarGridRPhi
 A segmentation for arbitrary sizes in R and R-dependent sizes in Phi. More...
class  PolarGridRPhi2
 A segmentation for arbitrary sizes in R and R-dependent sizes in Phi. More...
class  ProjectiveCylinder
 A segmentation class to describe projective cylinders. More...
class  Segmentation
 Base class for all segmentations. More...
class  SegmentationParameter
 Class to hold a segmentation parameter with its description. More...
class  StringTokenizer
 Helper class for string tokenization. More...
class  TiledLayerGridXY
 A segmentation class to describe tiled layers. More...
class  TiledLayerSegmentation
 A segmentation class to describe tiled layers. More...
class  TypedSegmentationParameter
 Concrete class to hold a segmentation parameter of a given type with its description. More...
class  TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< TYPE > >
 Concrete class to hold a segmentation parameter of a vector of items of a given type with its description. More...
struct  TypeName
 Helper class to extract type names. More...
struct  TypeName< double >
 Specialization for double type. More...
struct  TypeName< float >
 Specialization for float type. More...
struct  TypeName< int >
 Specialization for int type. More...
struct  TypeName< std::string >
 Specialization for string type. More...
struct  TypeName< std::vector< double > >
 Specialization for double vector type. More...
struct  TypeName< std::vector< float > >
 Specialization for float vector type. More...
struct  TypeName< std::vector< int > >
 Specialization for int vector type. More...
struct  TypeName< std::vector< std::string > >
 Specialization for string vector type. More...
struct  Vector3D
 Simple container for a physics vector. More...
class  WaferGridXY
 A segmentation class to describe wafer grids in X-Y. More...


typedef SegmentationParameterParameter
typedef std::vector< ParameterParameters
typedef int64_t FieldID
typedef uint64_t CellID
typedef uint64_t VolumeID
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< int > * IntParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< float > * FloatParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< double > * DoubleParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< std::string > * StringParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< int > > * IntVecParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< float > > * FloatVecParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< double > > * DoubleVecParameter
typedef TypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< std::string > > * StringVecParameter
typedef SegmentationParameter::UnitType UnitType


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BitField64 &b)
std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &s, char delimiter=' ')
 Helper method to split string into tokens. More...
double positive_modulo (double i, double n)

Detailed Description

Namespace for base segmentations.

DDSegmentation namespace declaration.

Namespace describing generic detector segmentations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CellID

Definition at line 26 of file BitFieldCoder.h.

◆ DoubleParameter

Definition at line 39 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ DoubleVecParameter

Definition at line 43 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ FieldID

Definition at line 25 of file BitFieldCoder.h.

◆ FloatParameter

Definition at line 38 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ FloatVecParameter

Definition at line 42 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ IntParameter

Definition at line 37 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ IntVecParameter

Definition at line 41 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ Parameter

Definition at line 34 of file SegmentationsInterna.h.

◆ Parameters

Definition at line 35 of file SegmentationsInterna.h.

◆ StringParameter

Definition at line 40 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ StringVecParameter

Definition at line 44 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ UnitType

Definition at line 45 of file Segmentation.h.

◆ VolumeID

Definition at line 27 of file BitFieldCoder.h.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & dd4hep::DDSegmentation::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BitField64 b 

Operator for dumping BitField64 to streams

Definition at line 37 of file BitField64.cpp.

◆ positive_modulo()

double dd4hep::DDSegmentation::positive_modulo ( double  i,
double  n 

Definition at line 89 of file HexGrid.cpp.

◆ splitString()

std::vector<std::string> dd4hep::DDSegmentation::splitString ( const std::string &  s,
char  delimiter = ' ' 

Helper method to split string into tokens.

Definition at line 33 of file SegmentationParameter.h.