![]() |
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
►NClassImp | ROOT Class implementation directive |
CDurationStamp | |
CScanner | Helper to select conditions |
►Ndd4hep | Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit |
►Nalign | Namespace for implementation details of the AIDA detector description toolkit |
CAlignedVolumePrinter | Generic Alignments data dumper |
►CAlignmentsCalculator | Alignment calculator instance to handle alignment dependencies |
CPathOrdering | Functor for path ordered maps as they are needed for the calculator |
CResult | Object encapsulating the result of a computation call to the alignments calculator |
CScanner | Scanner to find all alignment deltas in the detector hierarchy |
►CAlignmentsCalib | Calib alignment dependencies from conditions |
CEntry | Helper class to store information about alignment calibration items |
CAlignmentsCollector | Generic alignment collector keyed by detector elements |
CAlignmentsPrinter | Generic Alignments data dumper |
CAlignmentsProcessor | Generic alignment processor facade for the Conditons::Processor object |
CAlignmentsProcessorWrapper | Generic alignment processor facade for the Conditons::Processor object |
CDeltaCollector | Generic Alignment-Delta collector keyed by detector elements |
CGlobalAlignment | Main handle class to hold a TGeo alignment object of type TGeoPhysicalNode |
CGlobalAlignmentActor | Act on selected alignment entries |
CGlobalAlignmentCache | Class caching all known alignment operations for one Detector instance |
CGlobalAlignmentData | Global alignment data container |
CGlobalAlignmentOperator | Base class for alignment functors |
CGlobalAlignmentSelector | Select alignment operations according to certain criteria |
►CGlobalAlignmentStack | Alignment Stack object definition |
CStackEntry | Stack entry definition |
CGlobalAlignmentWriter | Write aligment data to XML data file |
CGlobalDetectorAlignment | GlobalDetectorAlignment. DetElement Handle supporting alignment operations |
CKeys | Alignment and Delta item key |
►Ncond | Namespace for implementation details of the AIDA detector description toolkit |
CAbstractMap | Conditions data block. Internaly maps other objects to abstract data blocks |
CClientData | Client data addition |
CConditionDependency | Condition dependency definition |
CConditionResolver | ConditionResolver class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism |
CConditionsCleanup | Base class to handle conditions cleanups |
CConditionsCollector | Generic condition collector keyed by detector elements |
►CConditionsContent | Conditions content object. Defines which conditions should be loaded by the ConditionsManager |
CLoadInfo | Concrete class for data loading information |
CConditionsDataLoader | Interface for a generic conditions loader |
►CConditionsDependencyHandler | Callback handler to update condition dependencies |
CWork | Helper structure to define the current update item |
CConditionsFullCleanup | Base class to handle conditions cleanups |
CConditionsIOVPool | Pool of conditions satisfying one IOV type (epoch, run, fill, etc) |
CConditionsLinearPool | Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type |
CConditionsLinearUpdatePool | Class implementing the conditions update pool for a given IOV type |
CConditionsListener | Base class to be implemented by objects to listen on condition callbacks |
CConditionsLoadInfo | Base class for data loading information |
►CConditionsManager | Manager class for condition handles |
CResult | Result of a prepare call to the conditions manager |
CConditionsManagerObject | Basic conditions manager implementation |
CConditionsMappedPool | Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type |
CConditionsMappedUpdatePool | Class implementing the conditions update pool for a given IOV type |
CConditionsMappedUserPool | Class implementing the conditions user pool for a given IOV type |
CConditionsMultiLoader | Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application |
CConditionsPool | Class implementing the conditions collection for a given IOV type |
►CConditionsPrinter | Generic Conditions data dumper |
CParamPrinter | DDDB Conditions data dumper helper to output parameter maps |
CConditionsProcessor | Generic condition processor facade for the Conditons::Processor object |
CConditionsProcessorWrapper | Generic condition processor facade for the Conditons::Processor object |
►CConditionsRepository | Base class to be implemented by objects to listen on condition callbacks |
CEntry | Definition of a single Entry in the conditions repository |
CConditionsRootPersistency | Helper to save conditions pools to ROOT |
►CConditionsSlice | Conditions slice object. Defines which conditions should be loaded by the ConditionsManager |
CInserter | Helper to simplify the registration of new condtitions from arbitrary containers |
CConditionsSnapshotRootLoader | Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application |
CConditionsTag | |
►CConditionsTextRepository | Forward declarations |
CEntry | Definition of a single Entry in the conditions repository |
CConditionsTreePersistency | Helper to save conditions pools to ROOT |
CConditionsXmlLoader | Implementation of a stack of conditions assembled before application |
CConditionsXMLRepositoryWriter | Conditions slice object. Defines which conditions should be loaded by the ConditionsManager |
CConditionUpdateCall | Callback interface |
CConditionUpdateContext | ConditionUpdateContext class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism |
CConditionUpdateUserContext | ConditionUpdateUserContext class used by the derived conditions calculation mechanism |
CDependencyBuilder | Condition dependency builder |
CEntry | The intermediate conditions data used to populate the DetElement conditions |
CGlobalTag | |
CManager_Type1 | The data class behind a conditions manager handle |
►COperators | Helper class for common stuff used frequently |
CActiveSelect | Container select operator for conditions mappings with conditions flagged active |
CCond__Oper | Definition of the selector object base class to cover type definitions |
CConditionsOperation | Arbitrary wrapper for user defined conditions operators |
CKeyedSelect | Helper to select keyed objects from a conditions pool |
CKeyFind | Helper to select condition objects by hash key from a conditions pool |
CMapConditionsSelect | Helper to collect conditions using a ConditionsSelect base class |
CMapSelect | Mapped container selection operator for conditions mappings |
COperatorWrapper | Helper to wrap another object and make it copyable |
CPoolRemove | Helper to remove objects from a conditions pool. The removed condition is deleted |
CPoolSelect | Helper to insert objects into a conditions pool |
CSequenceSelect | Sequential container select operator for conditions mappings |
CUpdatePool | Interface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates |
CUserPool | Interface for conditions pool optimized to host conditions updates |
►NDDSegmentation | Namespace for base segmentations |
CBitField64 | A bit field of 64bits that allows convenient declaration |
CBitFieldCoder | Helper class for decoding and encoding a bit field of 64bits for convenient declaration |
CBitFieldElement | Helper class for BitFieldCoder that corresponds to one field value |
CBitFieldValue | Lightweight helper class for BitField64 that corresponds to one field value |
CCartesianGrid | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation |
CCartesianGridUV | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in along U,V rotated some angle from local X,Y axes |
CCartesianGridXY | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Y plane |
CCartesianGridXYStaggered | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Y plane |
CCartesianGridXYZ | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in space |
CCartesianGridXZ | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the X-Z plane |
CCartesianGridYZ | Segmentation base class describing cartesian grid segmentation in the Y-Z plane |
CCartesianStrip | Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation |
CCartesianStripX | Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in X |
CCartesianStripY | Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in Y |
CCartesianStripZ | Segmentation base class describing cartesian strip segmentation in Z |
CCylindricalGridPhiZ | Segmentation base class describing cylindrical grid segmentation in the Phi-Z cylinder |
CCylindricalSegmentation | Segmentation base class describing a cylindrical grid segmentation |
CGridPhiEta | Segmentation class describing segmentation in Phi-Eta |
CGridRPhiEta | Segmentation class describing segmentation in R-Phi-Eta |
CHexGrid | Segmentation base class describing hexagonal grid segmentation, with or without staggering |
►CMegatileLayerGridXY | Megatile is a rectangule in x-y, split into a grid along x and y, with an exactly integer number of cells in x and y |
CsegInfo | Helper structure |
►CMultiSegmentation | Wrapper to support multiple segmentations |
CEntry | Helper structure to describe a sub-segmentation entry |
CNoSegmentation | This class exists to provide a segmenation when it is need but doesn't exist |
CPolarGrid | Segmentation base class for polar grids |
CPolarGridRPhi | A segmentation for arbitrary sizes in R and R-dependent sizes in Phi |
CPolarGridRPhi2 | A segmentation for arbitrary sizes in R and R-dependent sizes in Phi |
CProjectiveCylinder | A segmentation class to describe projective cylinders |
CSegmentation | Base class for all segmentations |
CSegmentationParameter | Class to hold a segmentation parameter with its description |
CStringTokenizer | Helper class for string tokenization |
CTiledLayerGridXY | A segmentation class to describe tiled layers |
►CTiledLayerSegmentation | A segmentation class to describe tiled layers |
CLayerDimensions | Helper class to store x and y dimensions of a layer |
CTypedSegmentationParameter | Concrete class to hold a segmentation parameter of a given type with its description |
CTypedSegmentationParameter< std::vector< TYPE > > | Concrete class to hold a segmentation parameter of a vector of items of a given type with its description |
CTypeName | Helper class to extract type names |
CTypeName< double > | Specialization for double type |
CTypeName< float > | Specialization for float type |
CTypeName< int > | Specialization for int type |
CTypeName< std::string > | Specialization for string type |
CTypeName< std::vector< double > > | Specialization for double vector type |
CTypeName< std::vector< float > > | Specialization for float vector type |
CTypeName< std::vector< int > > | Specialization for int vector type |
CTypeName< std::vector< std::string > > | Specialization for string vector type |
CVector3D | Simple container for a physics vector |
CWaferGridXY | A segmentation class to describe wafer grids in X-Y |
►Ndetail | DD4hep internal namespace |
CAlignmentObject | The data class behind an alignments handle |
CConditionObject | The data class behind a conditions handle |
CCopyDeleteExtension | Implementation class for the object extension mechanism |
CDD4hepUI | ROOT interactive UI for dd4hep applications |
CDeleteExtension | Implementation class for the object extension mechanism |
CDestroyHandle | Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
CDestroyHandles | Map Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
►CDetectorChecksum | Geometry converter from dd4hep to Geant 4 in Detector format |
Centry_t | |
CGeometryInfo | Data structure of the geometry converter from dd4hep to Geant 4 in Detector format |
Ceval | |
CGeoHandler | The base class for all dd4hep geometry crawlers |
►CGeoHandlerTypes | Defintion of the object types used by generic geometry handlers |
CGeometryInfo | Data container to store information obtained during the geometry scan |
CGeometryTreeDump | Geometry to screen dump action |
CGeoScan | Geometry scanner (handle object) |
Cinterp | Helper to invoke the ROOT interpreter |
►CLCDDConverter | Geometry converter from dd4hep to Geant 4 in Detector format |
►CGeometryInfo | Data structure of the geometry converter from dd4hep to Geant 4 in Detector format |
C_checks | |
CListBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL list of data objects (primitive or complex) |
CMapBinder | Helper class to bind STL map objects |
COpaqueDataBinder | Helper class to bind string values to C++ data items |
COpticalSurfaceManagerObject | This structure describes the internal data of the volume manager object |
►CPandoraConverter | Converter to create Pandora structures from dd4hep (NOT IMPLEMENTED) |
CGeometryInfo | Helper class |
CReleaseHandle | Functor to destroy handles and delete the cached object |
CReleaseHandles | Map Functor to release handles |
CSetBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL set of data objects (primitive or complex) |
CSimpleExtension | Implementation class for the object extension mechanism |
CValueBinder | Helper class to bind string values to C++ data objects (primitive or complex) |
CVectorBinder | Helper class to bind string values to a STL vector of data objects (primitive or complex) |
CVolumeManager_Populator | Helper class to populate the volume manager |
CVolumeManagerContextExtension | Extended context. Needs to be public for persistency reasons |
CVolumeManagerObject | This structure describes the internal data of the volume manager object |
►Njson | Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting JSON utilities |
CCollection_t | Class to support the access to collections of JsonNodes (or JsonElements) |
CDocument | Class supporting the basic functionality of an JSON document |
CDocumentHandler | Class supporting to read and parse XML documents |
CDocumentHolder | Class supporting the basic functionality of an JSON document including ownership |
CElement | User abstraction class to manipulate JSON elements within a document |
CHandle_t | Class to easily access the properties of single JsonElements |
CNodeList | Class describing a list of JSON nodes |
►Nrec | Namespace for the reconstruction part of the AIDA detector description toolkit |
CCellIDPositionConverter | |
CConeSurface | |
►CConicalSupportStruct | |
CSection | |
CCylinderSurface | |
►CDCH_info_struct | |
CDCH_info_layer | Internal helper struct for defining the layer layout |
CDetectorSurfaces | |
CFixedPadSizeTPCStruct | |
CGearHandle | |
CICone | |
CICylinder | |
CIMaterial | |
CISurface | |
►CLayeredCalorimeterStruct | |
CLayer | |
CMapStringDoubleStruct | |
CMapStringVariantStruct | |
CMaterialData | |
CMaterialManager | |
CMaterialScan | Class to perform material scans along a straight line |
CNeighbourSurfacesStruct | |
CStructExtension | |
CSurface | |
CSurfaceHelper | |
CSurfaceList | |
CSurfaceManager | |
CSurfaceType | |
CVector2D | |
►CVector3D | |
CCartesian | |
CCylindrical | |
CSpherical | |
CVolCone | |
CVolConeImpl | |
CVolCylinder | |
CVolCylinderImpl | |
CVolPlaneImpl | |
CVolSurface | |
CVolSurfaceBase | |
CVolSurfaceHandle | |
CVolSurfaceList | |
►CZDiskPetalsStruct | |
CLayerLayout | |
CSensorType | Enum for encoding the sensor type in typeFlags |
►CZPlanarStruct | |
CLayerLayout | |
►Nsim | Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit |
►NHepMC | HepMC namespace declaration |
CEventHeader | HepMC EventHeader class used internally by the Geant4EventReaderHepMC plugin |
CEventStream | HepMC EventStream class used internally by the Geant4EventReaderHepMC plugin |
►NTest | Convenience namespace to separate test classes from the DDG4 simulation toolkit |
CGeant4TestBase | Common base class for test action |
CGeant4TestEventAction | Example event action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestGeneratorAction | Example generator action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestRunAction | Example run action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestSensitive | Example sensitve detector action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestStackAction | Example stacking action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestStepAction | Example stepping action doing nothing, but print |
CGeant4TestTrackAction | Example tracking action doing nothing, but print |
Ccalo_smear_model | Configuration structure for the fast simulation shower model Geant4FSShowerModel<par02_em_model> |
CCellIDCompare | Specialized hit selector based on the hit's cell identifier |
CDataExtension | Generic user-extendible data extension class |
CDD4hep_End_Of_File | Helper class to indicate the end of the input file |
CDD4hep_Stop_Processing | Helper class to indicate the stop of processing |
CEDM4hepFileReader | Class to read EDM4hep files |
CEnergyDepositMinimumCut | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing an energy cut |
CEventParameters | Event extension to pass input event data to output event |
CExtensionParameters | Extension to pass input data to output data |
CFileParameters | Extension to pass input run data to output run data |
►CGeant4Action | Default base class for all Geant 4 actions and derivates thereof |
CActors | Actor class to manipulate action groups |
CContextSwap | Functor to update the context of a Geant4Action object |
CFindByName | Functor to access elements by name |
CGeant4ActionContainer | Class, which allows all Geant4Action to be stored |
CGeant4ActionPhase | Action phase definition. Client callback at various stage of the simulation processing |
CGeant4ActionSD | Interface class to access properties of the underlying Geant4 sensitive detector structure |
CGeant4AssemblyVolume | Hack! Wrapper around G4AssemblyVolume to access protected members |
CGeant4Call | Callback interface class with argument |
►CGeant4Calorimeter | Helper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 calorimeter sensitive detector |
CHit | DDG4 calorimeter hit class used by the generic DDG4 calorimeter sensitive detector |
CGeant4CerenkovPhysics | Geant4 physics list action to enable Cerenkov physics |
CGeant4Compatibility | Compatibility actions for running Geant4 in single threaded mode |
CGeant4Context | Generic context to extend user, run and event information |
CGeant4Conversion | Data conversion class |
CGeant4ConversionHelper | Helper class for data conversion |
CGeant4Converter | Geometry converter from dd4hep to Geant 4 |
CGeant4DataDump | Class to dump the records of the intrinsic Geant4 event model |
CGeant4DefaultRangeCut | Geant4 physics list action to set global range cuts for secondary productions |
CGeant4DetectorConstruction | Basic implementation of the Geant4 detector construction action |
CGeant4DetectorConstructionContext | Geant4 detector construction context definition |
CGeant4DetectorConstructionResources | Debug class to dump resources usage during detector construction |
CGeant4DetectorConstructionSequence | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 detector construction sequencer |
CGeant4DetectorGeometryConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation in memory |
CGeant4DetectorSensitivesConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation in memory |
CGeant4DummyTruthHandler | Void implementation of the Monte-Carlo thruth handler doing nothing at all |
CGeant4EscapeCounter | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
CGeant4Event | User event context for DDG4 |
CGeant4EventAction | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 event action |
CGeant4EventActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action sequence |
CGeant4EventReader | Basic geant4 event reader class. This interface/base-class must be implemented by concrete readers |
CGeant4EventReaderGuineaPig | Reader for ascii files with e+e- pairs created from GuineaPig |
CGeant4EventReaderHepEvt | Class to populate Geant4 primaries from StdHep files |
CGeant4EventReaderHepMC | Class to populate Geant4 primaries from HepMC(2) files |
CGeant4EventSeed | Plugin class to set the event seed for each event |
CGeant4Exec | Main executor steering the Geant4 execution |
CGeant4ExtraParticles | Plugin class to read non-standard particle definitions from text file |
CGeant4FastPhysics | Wrapper for G4FastSimulationPhysics with properties |
CGeant4FastSimHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4FastSimSpot object |
CGeant4FastSimShowerModel | Geant4 wrapper for the Geant4 fast simulation shower model |
CGeant4FastSimSpot | Spot definition for fast simulation and GFlash |
CGeant4Field | Mediator class to allow Geant4 accessing magnetic fields defined in dd4hep |
CGeant4FieldTrackingConstruction | Detector construction action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
CGeant4FieldTrackingSetup | Generic Setup component to perform the magnetic field tracking in Geant4 |
CGeant4FieldTrackingSetupAction | Phase action to perform the setup of the Geant4 tracking in magnetic fields |
CGeant4Filter | Base class to construct filters for Geant4 sensitive detectors |
CGeant4FSShowerModel | Geant4 wrapper for the Geant4 fast simulation shower model |
CGeant4GDMLDetector | Class to read Geant4 geometry from GDML file |
CGeant4GDMLWriteAction | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
CGeant4GeneratorAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action base class |
CGeant4GeneratorActionInit | Initialize the Geant4Event objects to host generator and MC truth related information |
CGeant4GeneratorActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action sequence |
CGeant4GeneratorWrapper | Geant4Action to merge several independent interaction to one |
CGeant4GenericSD | |
►CGeant4GeometryInfo | Concreate class holding the relation information between geant4 objects and dd4hep objects |
CPlacement | |
►CPlacementFlags | |
C_flags | |
CPropertyVector | |
►CGeant4GeometryScanner | Class to perform directional material scans using Geantinos |
CStepInfo | Structure to hold the information of one simulation step |
CGeant4GFlashShowerModel | Geant4 wrapper for the GFlash shower model |
CGeant4Handle | Handle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism |
CGeant4HierarchyDump | Helper to dump Geant4 volume hierarchy |
►CGeant4HitCollection | Generic hit container class using Geant4HitWrapper objects |
►CCollectionFlags | Union defining the hit collection flags for processing |
CBitItems | Individual hit collection bits |
CCompare | Generic class template to compare/select hits in Geant4HitCollection objects |
►CGeant4HitData | Base class for geant4 hit structures used by the default DDG4 sensitive detector implementations |
CMonteCarloContrib | Utility class describing the monte carlo contribution of a given particle to a hit |
CGeant4HitDumpAction | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
CGeant4HitHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Hit object |
CGeant4HitTruthHandler | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
►CGeant4HitWrapper | Generic wrapper class for hit structures created in Geant4 sensitive detectors |
CHitManipulator | Generic type manipulation class for generic hit structures created in Geant4 sensitive detectors |
CInvalidHit | Helper class to indicate invalid hit wrappers or containers |
CGeant4InputAction | Generic input action capable of using the Geant4EventReader class |
CGeant4InteractionMerger | Geant4Action to merge several independent interaction to one |
CGeant4InteractionVertexBoost | Action class to boost the primary vertex (and all outgoing particles) of a single interaction |
CGeant4InteractionVertexSmear | Action class to smear the primary vertex (and all outgoing particles) of a single interaction |
CGeant4Interrupts | Interruptsback interface class with argument |
CGeant4IsotropeGenerator | Generate particles isotrop in space around origine (0,0,0) |
►CGeant4Kernel | Class, which allows all Geant4Action derivatives to access the DDG4 kernel structures |
CPhaseSelector | Embedded helper class to facilitate map access to the phases |
CGeant4Mapping | Geometry mapping from dd4hep to Geant 4 |
►CGeant4MaterialScanner | Class to perform directional material scans using Geantinos |
CStepInfo | Structure to hold the information of one simulation step |
CGeant4MonteCarloTruth | Default Interface class to handle monte carlo truth records |
CGeant4OpticalCalorimeter | Helper class to define properties of optical calorimeters. UNTESTED |
CGeant4OpticalPhotonPhysics | Geant4 physics list action to enable OpticalPhoton physics |
CGeant4OpticalTracker | Helper class to define properties of optical trackers. UNTESTED |
CGeant4Output2EDM4hep | Base class to output Geant4 event data to EDM4hep |
CGeant4Output2LCIO | Base class to output Geant4 event data to media |
CGeant4Output2ROOT | Class to output Geant4 event data to ROOT files |
►CGeant4OutputAction | Base class to output Geant4 event data to persistent media |
COutputContext | Helper class for thread savety |
CGeant4Particle | Data structure to store the MC particle information |
CGeant4ParticleDumpAction | Class to measure the energy of escaping tracks |
CGeant4ParticleGenerator | Generate particles isotrop in space around origine (0,0,0) |
CGeant4ParticleGun | Implementation of a particle gun using Geant4Particles |
CGeant4ParticleHandle | Data structure to access derived MC particle information |
CGeant4ParticleHandler | Geant4Action to collect the MC particle information |
CGeant4ParticleInformation | Wrapper to store user information in a G4Track |
CGeant4ParticleMap | Data structure to map particles produced during the generation and the simulation |
CGeant4ParticlePrint | Geant4Action to print MC particle information |
CGeant4PhaseAction | Generic action for Geant4 phases |
►CGeant4PhysicsConstructor | Implementation base of a Geant4 physics constructor |
CConstructor | Helper class to be used by cleints, by NOT overloaded! |
►CGeant4PhysicsList | Concrete basic implementation of a Geant4 physics list action |
CParticleConstructor | Structure describing a G4 particle constructor |
CPhysicsConstructor | Structure describing a G4 physics constructor |
CProcess | Structure describing a G4 process |
CGeant4PhysicsListActionSequence | The implementation of the single Geant4 physics list action sequence |
►CGeant4PlacementParameterisation | Class to dump the records of the intrinsic Geant4 event model |
CDimension | Helper structure to cache dimension variabled from setup parameters |
CGeant4PrimaryConfig | Geant4PrimaryConfig to hold configuration for PrimaryHandlers |
CGeant4PrimaryEvent | Class modelling a complete primary event with multiple interactions |
CGeant4PrimaryHandler | Geant4Action to convert the particle information to Geant4 |
CGeant4PrimaryInteraction | Class modelling a single interaction with multiple primary vertices and particles |
CGeant4PrimaryMap | Data structure to map primaries to particles |
CGeant4PythonAction | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4PythonCall | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4PythonDetectorConstruction | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4PythonDetectorConstructionLast | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4PythonInitialization | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4Random | Mini interface to THE random generator of the application |
CGeant4ReadoutVolumeFilter | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
CGeant4RegexSensitivesConstruction | Class to create Geant4 detector geometry from TGeo representation in memory |
CGeant4Run | User run context for DDG4 |
CGeant4RunAction | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 run action base class |
CGeant4RunActionSequence | Concrete basic implementation of the Geant4 run action sequencer |
CGeant4RunManager | Geant4 run manager plugin class |
CGeant4ScintillationPhysics | Geant4 physics list action to enable Scintillation physics |
CGeant4ScintillatorCalorimeter | Class to implement the standard sensitive detector for scintillator calorimeters |
CGeant4SensDet | Concrete implementation of the G4VSensitiveDetector calling the registered sequence object |
CGeant4SensDetActionSequence | The sequencer to host Geant4 sensitive actions called if particles interact with sensitive elements |
CGeant4SensDetSequences | Geant4SensDetSequences: class to access groups of sensitive actions |
CGeant4Sensitive | The base class for Geant4 sensitive detector actions implemented by users |
CGeant4SensitiveAction | Template class to ease the construction of sensitive detectors using particle template specialization |
CGeant4SharedEventAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared event action |
CGeant4SharedGeneratorAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared generator action |
CGeant4SharedRunAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared run action |
CGeant4SharedStackingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared stacking action |
CGeant4SharedSteppingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared stepping action |
CGeant4SharedTrackingAction | Implementation of the Geant4 shared track action |
CGeant4ShowerModelWrapper | Geant4 wrapper for the Geant4 fast simulation shower model |
CGeant4StackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action base class |
CGeant4StackingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence |
CGeant4StepHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Step object |
CGeant4SteppingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action sequence |
CGeant4SteppingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action sequence |
CGeant4SurfaceTest | |
CGeant4TCUserParticleHandler | Rejects to keep particles, which are created outside a tracking cylinder |
CGeant4TouchableHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Touchable object |
►CGeant4Tracker | Helper class to define structures used by the generic DDG4 tracker sensitive detector |
CHit | DDG4 tracker hit class used by the generic DDG4 tracker sensitive detector |
CGeant4TrackHandler | Helper class to ease the extraction of information from a G4Track object |
CGeant4TrackInformation | Unused |
CGeant4TrackingAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions used in DDG4 |
CGeant4TrackingActionSequence | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action sequence |
CGeant4TrackingPostAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
CGeant4TrackingPreAction | Default base class for all geant 4 tracking actions |
CGeant4TVUserParticleHandler | Rejects to keep particles, which are created outside a tracking volume |
CGeant4UIManager | Standard UI interface implementation with configuration using property options |
CGeant4UIMessenger | Generic implementation to export properties and actions to the Geant4 command prompt |
CGeant4UserActionInitialization | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user initialization action sequence |
CGeant4UserDetectorConstruction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 user detector construction action sequence |
CGeant4UserEventAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 event action |
CGeant4UserGeneratorAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 generator action |
CGeant4UserInitialization | Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application |
CGeant4UserInitializationSequence | Class to orchestrate a modular initializion of a multi- or single threaded Geant4 application |
►CGeant4UserLimits | Helper to dump Geant4 volume hierarchy |
CHandler | Helper class to one limit type |
CGeant4UserParticleHandler | Geant4ParticleHandler user extension action called by the particle handler |
CGeant4UserRunAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 run action |
CGeant4UserStackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stacking action sequence |
CGeant4UserSteppingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 stepping action |
CGeant4UserTrackingAction | Concrete implementation of the Geant4 tracking action |
CGeant4Vertex | Data structure to store the MC vertex information |
CGeant4VolumeManager | The Geant4VolumeManager to facilitate optimized lookups of cell IDs from touchables |
CGeantinoRejectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a Geantino rejector |
CHEPMC3EventReader | |
CHEPMC3FileReader | Base class to read hepmc3 event files |
CKernelHandle | Handle to Geant4 actions with built-in creation mechanism |
CLCIOEventReader | Base class to read lcio files |
CLCIOFileReader | Base class to read lcio event files |
CLCIOStdHepReader | Base class to read StdHep files with lcio |
Cpar01_em_model | Configuration structure for the fast simulation shower model Geant4FSShowerModel<par01_em_model> |
Cpar01_pion_model | Configuration structure for the fast simulation shower model Geant4FSShowerModel<par01_pion_model> |
CParticleExtension | Base class to extend the basic particle class used by DDG4 with user information |
CParticleFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter base class for particle filters |
CParticleRejectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a particle rejector |
CParticleSelectFilter | Geant4 sensitive detector filter implementing a particle selector |
CPositionCompare | Specialized hit selector based on the hit's position |
CPrimaryExtension | Base structure to extend primary information with user data |
CRefCountedSequence | Private helper to support sequence reference counting |
CRunParameters | Extension to pass input run data to output run data |
CSequenceHdl | Sequence handler implementing common actions to all sequences |
CSimpleEvent | Simple event description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism |
CSimpleRun | Simple run description structure. Used in the default I/O mechanism |
CTrackClassification | |
CTrackerCombine | Geant4 sensitive detector combining all deposits of one G4Track within one sensitive element |
CTrackerWeighted | Geant4 sensitive detector combining all deposits of one G4Track within one sensitive element |
CTypeName | Helper class to handle strings of the format "type/name" |
CVertexExtension | Base class to extend the basic vertex class used by DDG4 with user information |
►Nxml | Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities |
►Ntools | Declaration of the XML tools namespace |
CVolumeBuilder | Helper class to build volume and shapes according to ertain patterns in the XML tree |
CCollection_t | Class to support the access to collections of XmlNodes (or XmlElements) |
CDocument | Class supporting the basic functionality of an XML document |
CDocumentErrorHandler | XML-DOM ERror handler class for the XercesC document parser |
CDocumentHandler | Class supporting to read and parse XML documents |
CDocumentHolder | Class supporting the basic functionality of an XML document including ownership |
CElement | User abstraction class to manipulate XML elements within a document |
CHandle_t | Class to easily access the properties of single XmlElements |
CLayeringCnv | XML converter for layering objects |
CNodeList | Class describing a list of XML nodes |
CRefElement | User abstraction class to manipulate named XML elements (references) within a document |
CStrng_t | Helper class to encapsulate a unicode string |
CTag_t | Class to support both way translation between C++ and XML strings |
CUriContextReader | Class supporting to read data given a URI |
►CUriReader | Class supporting to read data given a URI |
CUserContext | Base class of the user context type chained to the entity resolver |
CXmlString | Definition of the XmlString class |
►CAlignment | Main handle class to hold an alignment object |
CProcessor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to container objects |
CAlignmentCondition | Main handle class to hold an alignment conditions object |
CAlignmentData | Derived condition data-object definition |
CAlignmentsNominalMap | An implementation of the ConditionsMap interface to fall back to nominal alignment |
CAnnotation | Class to add annotations to eve viewers |
CApplyFactory | Template class with a generic signature to apply Detector plugins |
CAssembly | Implementation class extending the ROOT assembly volumes (TGeoVolumeAssembly) |
CAtom | Handle class describing an element in the periodic table |
CAuthor | Handle class describing an author entity |
►CBasicGrammar | Base class describing string evaluation to C++ objects using boost::spirit |
Cspecialization_t | Structure to be filled if automatic object parsing from string is supposed to be supported |
CBooleanSolid | Base class describing boolean (=union,intersection,subtraction) solids |
CBorderSurface | Class to support the handling of optical surfaces |
CBox | Class describing a box shape |
CBoxsetCreator | Fill a 3D box set from a hit collection |
CByName | Helper functor to select elements by name (using name() member method) |
CByNameAttr | Helper functor to select elements by name (using name member variable) |
►CCallback | Definition of the generic callback structure for member functions |
Cmfunc_t | Structure definition to store callback related data |
►CWrapper | Wrapper around a C++ member function pointer |
CFunctor | Union to store pointers to member functions in callback objects |
CCallbackSequence | Definition of an actor on sequences of callbacks |
CCalo2DProjection | 2D projection operator for calorimeters |
CCalo3DProjection | 3D projection for calorimeters |
CCaloLego | Lego plot for calorimeter energy deposits |
►CCartesianField | Base class describing any field with 3D cartesian vectors for the field strength |
CObject | Internal data class shared by all handles of a given type |
CTypedObject | Internal data class shared by all handles of a given type |
CCartesianGridUV | Implementation class for the grid UV segmentation |
CCartesianGridXY | Implementation class for the grid XY segmentation |
CCartesianGridXYZ | Implementation class for the grid XYZ segmentation |
CCartesianGridXZ | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
CCartesianGridYZ | Implementation class for the grid YZ segmentation |
CCartesianStripX | Implementation class for the strip X segmentation |
CCartesianStripY | Implementation class for the strip Y segmentation |
CCartesianStripZ | Implementation class for the strip Z segmentation |
►CCondition | Main condition object handle |
CProcessor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to conditions objects |
CConditionAny | Main condition object handle |
►CConditionKey | Key definition to optimize ans simplyfy the access to conditions entities |
CHashCompare | Compare keys by the hash value |
CKeyMaker | Helper union to interprete conditions keys |
CConditionsMap | ConditionsMap class |
CConditionsMapping | Concrete ConditionsMap implementation class using externally defined containers |
CConditionsSelect | Conditions selector functor. Default implementation selects everything evaluated |
CConditionsSelectWrapper | Conditions selector functor. Wraps a user defined object by reference |
CCone | Class describing a cone shape |
CConeSegment | Class describing a cone segment shape |
CConstant | Handle class describing a constant (define) object in description |
CConstantField | Implementation object of a field with constant strength |
CConstantObject | Concrete object implementation for the Constant handle |
CConstructionFactory | |
CContextMenu | DD4hep specific TEve context menu |
CContextMenuHandler | DD4hep specific handler for TEve context menus |
CConversionArg | Helper structure for data conversion |
CCutTube | Class describing a tube shape of a section of a cut tube segment |
CCylindricalGridPhiZ | Implementation class for the grid PhiZ segmentation |
►Cdd4hep_file | Dd4hep file handling extension to boost::iostreams |
Ccategory | Helper structure to define boost::iostreams |
►Cdd4hep_file_sink | Dd4hep file sink extension to boost::iostreams |
Ccategory | Helper structure to define boost::iostreams |
►Cdd4hep_file_source | Dd4hep file source extension to boost::iostreams |
Ccategory | Helper structure to define boost::iostreams |
Cdd4hep_lock_t | Do-nothing compatibility std::unique_ptr emulation for cxx-98 |
Cdd4hep_mutex_t | Do-nothing compatibility std::unique_ptr emulation for cxx-98 |
Cdd4hep_ptr | Out version of the std auto_ptr implementation base either on auto_ptr or unique_ptr |
Cdd4hep_units | |
CDD4hepMenu | Dd4hep Menu for the ROOT browser |
►CDDEve | ROOT interactive interface class for running DDEve |
CSimulationHit | SimulationHit definition |
CDDEveHit | DDEve event classes: Basic hit |
CDDEveHitActor | Event data actor base class for hits. Used to extract data from concrete classes |
CDDEveParticle | Data structure to store the MC particle information |
CDDEveParticleActor | Event data actor base class for particles. Used to extract data from concrete classes |
CDDG4EventHandler | Event I/O handler class for the dd4hep event display |
►CDDPython | Python interface class for callbacks and GIL |
CAllowThreads | |
CBlockThreads | |
CGILState | |
CDDTest | Simple class for defining unit tests |
CDelta | Class describing an condition to re-adjust an alignment |
CDetector | The main interface to the dd4hep detector description package |
CDetectorConstructionFactory | Template class for a generic dd4hep object constructor |
►CDetectorData | Data implementation class of the Detector interface |
CInvalidObjectError | Specialized exception class |
CObjectHandleMap | Implementation of a map of named dd4hep Handles |
CDetectorHelper | DetectorHelper: class to shortcut certain questions to the dd4hep detector description interface |
CDetectorImp | Concrete implementation class of the Detector interface |
CDetectorLoad | Data implementation class of the Detector interface |
CDetectorProcessor | Generic Detector processor |
CDetectorProcessorShared | Wrapper to call objects in the form of a detector element processor |
CDetectorScanner | Helper to run DetElement scans |
CDetectorSelector | View on Detector to select detectors according to certain criteria |
►CDetElement | Handle class describing a detector element |
CDetElementExtension | Wrapper class for detector element extension objects |
CProcessor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to DetElement objects |
►CDetElementCreator | DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry |
CCount | |
CData | |
CDetElementObject | Data class with properties of a detector element |
CDetElementProcessor | Detector scanner using a Processor object |
CDetElementsCollector | Generic detector element collector of a sub-tree |
►CDetElementVolumeIDs | Actor class to assign volume identifiers to DetElements in a subdetector tree |
CEncoding | Encoding/mask for sensitive volumes |
CDetNominalCreator | DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry |
CDetType | Helper class for encoding sub detector types in a flag word |
CDipoleField | Implementation object of a dipole magnetic field |
►CDisplay | The main class of the DDEve display |
CCalodataContext | Calorimeter data context for the DDEve event display |
►CDisplayConfiguration | Generic display configuration structure for DDEve |
CCalo3D | Configuration class for 3D calorimeter display |
CCalodata | Configuration class for 3D calorimeter data display |
►CConfig | Container with full display configuration |
CValues | Union to store specific data. Discriminator is Config::type |
CDefaults | Default base class for all configurations |
CHits | Configuration class for hit data display |
CPanel | Generic panel configuration |
CViewConfig | View configuration |
CEightPointSolid | Class describing an arbitray solid defined by 8 vertices |
CElementList | Local implementation with overrides of the TEveElementList |
CElementListContextMenu | DDEve context menu class |
CEllipticalTube | Class describing a twisted tube shape |
CEtaPhiHistogramActor | Fill EtaPhi histograms from a hit collection |
CEventConsumer | Event event consumer base class for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O |
CEventControl | Event input control for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O |
CEventHandler | Event handler base class: Interface to all DDEve I/O actions |
CEvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu | Class EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h DDEve/EvePgonSetProjectedContextMenu.h |
CEveShapeContextMenu | Class EveShapeContextMenu EveShapeContextMenu.h DDEve/EveShapeContextMenu.h |
CEveUserContextMenu | Class EveUserContextMenu EveUserContextMenu.h DDEve/EveUserContextMenu.h |
CExtensionEntry | Definition of the extension entry interface class |
CExtrudedPolygon | Class describing a extruded polygon shape |
CFilter | |
CFrameControl | Class FrameControl FrameControl.h DDEve/FrameControl.h |
CGeant4LogicalVolumeFactory | Templated factory method to G4ExtendedMaterial objects |
CGeant4MaterialFactory | Templated factory method to G4ExtendedMaterial objects |
CGeant4SensitiveDetectorFactory | Deprecated: Templated factory method to create sensitive detector |
CGeant4SetupAction | Templated factory method to invoke setup action |
CGenericEventHandler | Event handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions |
CGrammar | Concrete type dependent grammar definition |
CGrammarRegistry | Grammar registry interface |
CGridPhiEta | Implementation class for the grid phi-eta segmentation |
CGridRPhiEta | Implementation class for the grid phi-eta segmentation |
CHalfSpace | Class describing half-space |
CHandle | Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects |
CHeader | Handle class describing the basic information about geometry objects as it is defined in Detector |
CHeaderObject | Concrete object implementation for the Header handle |
CHitCollection | Definition of the HitCollection parameters used by the Readout |
CHyperboloid | Class describing a Hyperboloid shape |
CIDDescriptor | Class implementing the ID encoding of the detector response |
CIDDescriptorObject | Concrete object implementation of the IDDescriptorObject Handle |
CIncrement | Helper class to count call stack depths of certain functions |
►CInstanceCount | Helper to support object counting when debugging memory leaks |
CCounter | Internal class to could object constructions and destructions |
CIntersectionSolid | Class describing boolean intersection solid |
CIOV | Class describing the interval of validty |
CIOVType | Class describing the interval of validty type |
CJsonDetElementFactory | Standard factory to create Detector elements from the compact XML representation |
CLayer | Class to describe one layer in a layering stack |
CLayering | Class to convert a layering object from the compact notation |
CLayerSlice | Class to describe the slice of one layer in a layering stack |
CLayerStack | Class to describe a layering stack |
CLCIOEventHandler | LCIO input event handler for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O |
CLimit | Small object describing a limit structure acting on a particle type |
CLimitSet | Handle class describing a set of limits as they are used for simulation |
CLimitSetObject | Concrete object implementation of the LimitSet Handle |
CMaterial | Handle class describing a material |
CMCParticleCreator | Fill eve particles from a MC particle collection |
CMultipoleField | Implementation object of a Multipole magnetic field |
CMultiSegmentation | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
CMultiView | Class MultiView MultiView.h DDEve/MultiView.h |
CNamedObject | Implementation of a named object |
CNoSegmentation | Implementation class for the grid XY segmentation |
CObjectExtensions | Implementation of an object supporting arbitrary user extensions |
COpaqueData | Class describing an opaque data block |
COpaqueDataBlock | Class describing an opaque conditions data block |
COpticalSurface | Class to support the handling of optical surfaces |
COpticalSurfaceManager | Class to support the handling of optical surfaces |
►COverlayedField | Class describing a field overlay with several sources |
CObject | Internal data class shared by all handles |
CParaboloid | Class describing a Paraboloid shape |
►CPath | Path handling class |
Cdetail | Helpers |
►CPlacedVolume | Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) |
CProcessor | Abstract base for processing callbacks to PlacedVolume objects |
►CPlacedVolumeExtension | Implementation class extending the ROOT placed volume |
CParameterisation | Optional parameters to implement special features such as parametrization |
CVolIDs | Volume ID container |
CPlacedVolumeFeatureExtension | |
CPlacedVolumeProcessor | Generic PlacedVolume processor |
CPlacedVolumeScanner | Helper to run placement scan through volume hierarchies scans |
CPlacementProcessor | PlacedVolume scanner using a Processor object |
CPlacementProcessorShared | Wrapper to call objects in the form of a PlacedVolume processor |
CPluginDebug | Helper to debug plugin manager calls |
CPluginFactoryBase | Factory base class implementing some utilities |
CPluginRegistry | Factory template for the plugin mechanism |
CPluginService | Factory template for the plugin mechanism |
►CPluginTester | Helper class to ease testing of plugins: Effectively a container of object extensions |
CEntry | Defintiion of the extension entry |
CPointsetCreator | Fill a 3D pointset from a hit collection |
CPolarGridRPhi | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
CPolarGridRPhi2 | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
CPolycone | Class describing a Polycone shape |
CPolyhedra | Class describing a regular polyhedron shape |
CPolyhedraRegular | Class describing a regular polyhedron shape |
CPopupMenu | Class PopupMenu PopupMenu.h DDEve/PopupMenu.h |
CProjection | Class Projection Projection.h DDEve/Projection.h |
CProperty | The property class to assign options to actions |
CPropertyConfigurable | Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties |
CPropertyInterface | Property object as base class for all objects supporting properties |
CPropertyManager | Manager to ease the handling of groups of properties |
CPropertyTable | Class to support the handling of optical surfaces |
CPropertyValue | Concrete template instantiation of a combined property value pair |
CPseudoTrap | Class describing a pseudo trap shape (CMS'ism) |
CReadout | Handle to the implementation of the readout structure of a subdetector |
CReadoutObject | Concrete object implementation of the Readout Handle |
CReflectionBuilder | Scan geometry and create reflected volumes |
CRegion | Handle class describing a region as used in simulation |
CRegionObject | Concrete object implementation of the Region Handle |
CRhoPhiProjection | Class RhoPhiProjection RhoPhiProjection.h DDEve/RhoPhiProjection.h |
CRhoZProjection | Class RhoZProjection RhoZProjection.h DDEve/RhoZProjection.h |
CScale | Class describing a Scale shape |
CSegmentation | Handle class supporting generic Segmentations of sensitive detectors |
CSegmentationFactory | Template class for a generic segmentation object constructor |
CSegmentationObject | Implementation class supporting generic Segmentation of sensitive detectors |
CSegmentationWrapper | Concrete wrapper class for segmentation implementation based on DDSegmentation objects |
CSensitiveDetector | Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector |
CSensitiveDetectorObject | Data class with properties of sensitive detectors |
CShapelessSolid | Class describing a shape-less solid shape |
►CSignalHandler | Interruptsback interface class with argument |
►Cimplementation | |
Csig_entry_t | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
CSimpleConstructionFactory | Template class with a generic constructor signature |
CSkinSurface | Class to support the handling of optical surfaces |
CSolenoidField | Implementation object of a solenoidal magnetic field |
CSolid_type | Base class for Solid (shape) objects |
CSpecPar | |
CSpecParRegistry | |
CSphere | Class describing a sphere shape |
CStartVertexCreator | Fill a 3D pointset with particle start vertices |
CSTD_Conditions | Helper class to access default temperature and pressure |
CSubtractionSolid | Class describing boolean subtraction solid |
CSurfaceInstaller | Base class to implement surface installers for known detector patterns |
CTessellatedSolid | Class describing a tessellated shape |
CTorus | Class describing a Torus shape |
CTowersetCreator | Fill a 3D tower set from a hit collection |
CTranslationFactory | Specialized factory to translate objects, which can be retrieved from Detector |
CTrap | Class describing a trap shape |
CTrd1 | Class describing a Trd1 shape |
CTrd2 | Class describing a Trd2 shape |
CTruncatedTube | Class describing a truncated tube shape (CMS'ism) |
CTube | Class describing a tube shape of a section of a tube |
CTwistedTube | Class describing a twisted tube shape |
CTwistedTubeObject | Concrete object implementation for the Header handle |
CUnionSolid | Class describing boolean union solid |
CView | Class View View.h DDEve/View.h |
CView3D | Class View3D View3D.h DDEve/View3D.h |
CViewMenu | Class ViewMenu ViewMenu.h DDEve/ViewMenu.h |
CVisAttr | Handle class describing visualization attributes |
CVisAttrObject | Concrete object implementation of the VisAttr Handle |
CVisDensityProcessor | DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry |
CVisMaterialProcessor | DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry |
CVisVolNameProcessor | DD4hep DetElement creator for the CMS geometry |
CVolume | Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume) |
CVolumeExtension | Implementation class extending the ROOT volume (TGeoVolume) |
CVolumeManager | Class to support the retrieval of detector elements and volumes given a valid identifier |
CVolumeManagerContext | This structure describes the cached data for one placement held by the volume manager |
CVolumeMulti | Implementation class extending the ROOT mulit-volumes (TGeoVolumeMulti) |
CWaferGridXY | Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation |
CWorld | Handle class to hold the information of the top DetElement object 'world' |
CWorldObject | Data class with properties of a detector element |
CXMLConversionFactory | Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze its content |
CXmlDetElementFactory | Standard factory to create Detector elements from an XML representation |
CXMLDocumentReaderFactory | Read an arbitrary XML document and analyze its content |
CXMLElementFactory | Create an arbitrary object from its XML representation |
CXMLObjectFactory | Standard factory to create ROOT objects from an XML representation |
►NEVAL | |
►NObject | |
►CStruct | Internal expression evaluator helper class |
CReadLock | |
CWriteLock | |
►NGaudi | |
►NPluginService | See GaudiPluginService-readme |
►Nv1 | |
►NDetails | |
CFactory | |
CLogger | Simple logging class, just to provide a default implementation |
►CRegistry | In-memory database of the loaded factories |
CFactoryInfo | |
CException | |
CFactory | Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments |
►Nv2 | |
CDeclareFactory | |
CFactory< R(Args...)> | Class wrapping the signature for a factory with any number of arguments |
►NROOT | ROOT include files |
►NSignalHandler | |
►Cimplementation | |
Csig_entry_t | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
►Csig_handler_t | |
Chandler_action | |
Cold_action | |
►NTests | Test namespace |
CGeant4SensitiveAction | Deprecated: Simple SensitiveAction class .. |
CLcioTestTracker | Deprecated: Simple SensitiveAction class .. |
Ccgaudi_factory_t | |
Ccgaudi_pluginsvc_t | |
Ccgaudi_property_t | |
CDD4hepRootCheck | Helper class to check various ingredients of the Detector object after loaded from ROOT |
CDD4hepRootPersistency | Helper class to support ROOT persistency of Detector objects |
CDOMErrorHandler | XercesC internal class. Not described here |
CErrorHandler | XercesC internal class. Not described here |
CFilter | |
CFindString | Helper class to manipulate strings |
CG4AssemblyVolume | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4FastHit | |
CG4FastSimHitMaker | |
CG4MagneticField | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UImessenger | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserEventAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserLimits | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserRunAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserStackingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserSteppingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4UserTrackingAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VFastSimSensitiveDetector | Lower versions of Geant4 do not provide G4VFastSimSensitiveDetector |
CG4VHit | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VHitsCollection | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VPhysicsConstructor | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VSDFilter | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VSensitiveDetector | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VUserActionInitialization | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VUserDetectorConstruction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CG4VUserTrackInformation | Class of the Geant4 toolkit. See http://www-geant4.kek.jp/Reference |
CLazyEncodingExtraction | |
CLCIOTObject | |
CMultiView | |
CProcessedFilesSet | |
CPyDDG4 | Python interface class for Geant4 python involation |
CSimpleCylinder | |
CSimpleCylinderImpl | Helper class for a simple cylinder surface parallel to z with a given length - used as IP layer |
CTestCounter | |
CTestCounters | |
CTEveElementList | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTGeoConeSeg | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTGeoExtension | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTGLAnnotation | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTGMainFrame | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTiXmlAttribute | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlAttributeSet | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
►CTiXmlBase | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CEntity | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlComment | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlCursor | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlDeclaration | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlDocument | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlElement | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlHandle | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlHandle_t | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlNode | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlOutStream | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlParsingData | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlPrinter | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
►CTiXmlString | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CRep | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlText | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlUnknown | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTiXmlVisitor | TinyXML class. See http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml |
CTNamed | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CTObject | Class of the ROOT toolkit. See http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/ClassIndex.html |
CXml | Union to ease castless object access when using XercesC |