Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
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25 namespace DDSegmentation {
class PolarGridRPhi2; }
std::vector< double > gridRValues() const
access the grid size in R
void setGridSizeR(double cellSize, int rID) const
set the grid Boundaries in R
void setGridPhiValues(std::vector< double > const &phiValues) const
set the grid size in Phi for each bin in R
CellID cellID(const Position &local, const Position &global, const VolumeID &volID) const
determine the cell ID based on the position
T Object
Extern accessible definition of the contained element type.
const std::string & fieldNamePhi() const
access the field name used for Phi
Handle< SegmentationWrapper< DDSegmentation::PolarGridRPhi2 > > PolarGridRPhi2Handle
We need some abbreviation to make the code more readable.
PolarGridRPhi2(const PolarGridRPhi2 &e)=default
Copy constructor.
double gridSizeR() const
access the grid size in R
Handle: a templated class like a shared pointer, which allows specialized access to tgeometry objects...
void setGridSizePhi(double cellSize, int phiID) const
set the grid size in Phi
double offsetPhi() const
access the coordinate offset in Phi
PolarGridRPhi2(const Handle< Q > &e)
Copy constructor from other polymorph/equivalent handle.
std::vector< double > gridPhiValues() const
access the grid size in Phi
const std::string & fieldNameR() const
access the field name used for R
Implementation class for the grid XZ segmentation.
std::vector< double > cellDimensions(const CellID &cellID) const
Returns a vector<double> of the cellDimensions of the given cell ID in natural order of dimensions,...
Position position(const CellID &cellID) const
determine the position based on the cell ID
Default constructor.
double offsetR() const
access the coordinate offset in R
PolarGridRPhi2(const Segmentation &e)
Copy Constructor from segmentation base object.
T * m_element
Single and only data member: Reference to the actual element.
void setOffsetPhi(double offset) const
set the coordinate offset in Phi
PolarGridRPhi2(const Handle< Object > &e)
Copy constructor from handle.
bool operator==(const PolarGridRPhi2 &seg) const
Equality operator.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector Position
void setOffsetR(double offset) const
set the coordinate offset in R
dd4hep::DDSegmentation::VolumeID VolumeID
Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.
double gridSizePhi() const
access the grid size in Phi
Handle class supporting generic Segmentations of sensitive detectors.
void setGridRValues(std::vector< double > const &rValues) const
set the grid boundaries for R
PolarGridRPhi2 & operator=(const PolarGridRPhi2 &seg)=default
Assignment operator.
dd4hep::DDSegmentation::CellID CellID