helper class for a simple cylinder surface parallel to z with a given length - used as IP layer
| SimpleCylinderImpl (dd4hep::Volume vol, SurfaceType type, double thickness_inner, double thickness_outer, Vector3D origin) |
| standard c'tor with all necessary arguments - origin is (0,0,0) if not given. More...
void | setHalfLength (double half_length) |
void | setID (dd4hep::FieldID id) |
bool | insideBounds (const Vector3D &point, double epsilon) const |
| Checks if the given point lies within the surface. More...
virtual std::vector< std::pair< Vector3D, Vector3D > > | getLines (unsigned nMax=100) |
| VolCylinderImpl () |
| default c'tor More...
| VolCylinderImpl (Volume vol, SurfaceType type, double thickness_inner, double thickness_outer, Vector3D origin) |
virtual Vector3D | u (const Vector3D &point=Vector3D()) const |
virtual Vector3D | normal (const Vector3D &point=Vector3D()) const |
virtual double | distance (const Vector3D &point) const |
virtual Vector2D | globalToLocal (const Vector3D &point) const |
virtual Vector3D | localToGlobal (const Vector2D &point) const |
virtual | ~VolSurfaceBase ()=default |
| VolSurfaceBase ()=default |
| default c'tor More...
| VolSurfaceBase (SurfaceType typ, double thickness_inner, double thickness_outer, Vector3D u_val, Vector3D v_val, Vector3D n, Vector3D o, Volume vol, int identifier) |
| VolSurfaceBase (const VolSurfaceBase &c) |
| Copy the from object. More...
Volume | volume () const |
| the volume to which this surface is attached. More...
virtual long64 | id () const |
| The id of this surface. More...
virtual const SurfaceType & | type () const |
virtual Vector3D | v (const Vector3D &point=Vector3D()) const |
virtual const Vector3D & | origin () const |
virtual const IMaterial & | innerMaterial () const |
| Access to the material in opposite direction of the normal. More...
virtual const IMaterial & | outerMaterial () const |
| Access to the material in direction of the normal. More...
virtual double | innerThickness () const |
virtual double | outerThickness () const |
virtual double | length_along_u () const |
virtual double | length_along_v () const |
void | setInnerMaterial (const IMaterial &mat) |
| set the inner Material More...
void | setOuterMaterial (const IMaterial &mat) |
| set the outer Materal More...
virtual | ~ISurface () |
| Destructor. More...
helper class for a simple cylinder surface parallel to z with a given length - used as IP layer
Definition at line 45 of file Beampipe_o1_v01_geo.cpp.