Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
virtual ~Geant4ConversionHelper()
Default destructor.
Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector.
Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume)
PlacedVolume lookupVolumePlacement(VolumeID volume_id) const
Lookup a physical (placed) volume identified by its 64 bit hit ID.
Class to support the retrieval of detector elements and volumes given a valid identifier.
Default constructor.
IDDescriptor IDDescriptor
dd4hep::DDSegmentation::VolumeID VolumeID
Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
std::string fieldDescription() const
The string description of all fields from the BitField.
Readout readout() const
Access readout structure of the sensitive detector.
Volume volume() const
Logical volume of this placement.
Handle to the implementation of the readout structure of a subdetector.
IDDescriptor idSpec() const
Access IDDescription structure.
static std::string encoding(VolumeManager vm, VolumeID vid)
Access to the data encoding using the volume manager and a specified volume id.
Handle< NamedObject > sensitiveDetector() const
Access to the handle to the sensitive detector.