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Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
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14 #ifndef XML_UTILITIES_H
15 #define XML_UTILITIES_H
114 bool ignore_unknown_attr =
143 #endif // XML_UTILITIES_H
std::size_t configVolume(dd4hep::Detector &detector, dd4hep::xml::Handle_t element, dd4hep::Volume volume, bool propagate, bool ignore_unknown_attr=false)
Configure volume properties from XML element.
Handle class to hold the information of a sensitive detector.
Class to easily access the properties of single XmlElements.
Handle class describing a detector element.
Handle class holding a placed volume (also called physical volume)
Solid createShape(Detector &description, const std::string &shape_type, xml::Element element)
Create a solid shape using the plugin mechanism from the attributes of the XML element.
Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit supporting XML utilities.
void setDetectorTypeFlag(dd4hep::xml::Handle_t e, dd4hep::DetElement sdet)
ROOT::Math::Transform3D Transform3D
Volume createPlacedEnvelope(dd4hep::Detector &description, dd4hep::xml::Handle_t e, dd4hep::DetElement sdet)
Volume createVolume(Detector &description, const std::string &type, xml::Element element)
Create a volume using the plugin mechanism from the attributes of the XML element.
User abstraction class to manipulate XML elements within a document.
Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.
Solid_type< TGeoShape > Solid
The main interface to the dd4hep detector description package.
Transform3D createTransformation(xml::Element element)
Create layered transformation from xml information.
Volume createStdVolume(Detector &description, xml::Element element)
Create a simple volume using the shape plugin mechanism from the attributes of the XML element.
std::size_t configSensitiveDetector(dd4hep::Detector &detector, dd4hep::SensitiveDetector sensitive, dd4hep::xml::Handle_t element)
Configure sensitive detector from XML element.