Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
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28 class GlobalAlignmentCache;
Main handle class to hold a TGeo alignment object of type TGeoPhysicalNode.
GlobalAlignmentCache * m_cache
Reference to the alignment cache.
long write(xml::Document doc, const std::string &output) const
Write the XML document structure to a file.
Write aligment data to XML data file.
Handle class describing a detector element.
xml::Document dump(DetElement element, bool enable_transactions=false) const
Dump one full DetElement subtree into a newly created document.
Detector & m_detDesc
Reference to detector description.
Class supporting the basic functionality of an XML document.
Class caching all known alignment operations for one Detector instance.
User abstraction class to manipulate XML elements within a document.
Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.
virtual ~GlobalAlignmentWriter()
Standard destructor.
GlobalAlignmentWriter(Detector &description)
Initializing Constructor.
The main interface to the dd4hep detector description package.
xml::Element scan(xml::Document doc, DetElement element) const
Scan one DetElement structure and return an XML element containing the alignment in this subtree.
xml::Element createElement(xml::Document doc, DetElement element) const
Create the element corresponding to one single detector element without children.
void addNode(xml::Element elt, GlobalAlignment a) const
Add single alignment node to the XML document.