
Dependencies CMake (at least version 3.18) Boost (at least version 1.56) ROOT (at least version 6.08.00) Optional Geant4 (optional, but required for typical purposes) Xerces C++ (optional, but required for full funcionality) LCIO: if DD4HEP_USE_LCIO enabled in CMake, builds input and output plugins for LCIO files HEPMC3: if DD4HEP_USE_HEPMC3 enabled in CMake, build input plugins for hepmc3 files EDM4hep: if DD4HEP_USE_EDM4HEP enabled in CMake, build output plugins for EDM4hep files Optional Dependencies for Building the Documentation To build the documentation you need [Read More]

Beginners Guide (FAQ)

Overview The dd4hep environment has tools envisioned for detector simulation for the next generation of experiments. These are very powerful and flexible tools, and so, if you are just beginning coding or if your coding skills are a bit rusty, you may need some help to navigate their complex environment. This document may help you get started. This tutorial assumes you have some familiarity with GEANT4, a very powerful program for describing detector geometries and simulating particle interactions with matter. [Read More]


Citing DD4hep

Please cite DD4hep via the Zenodo provided DOI

author       = {Frank, Markus and
Gaede, Frank and
Petric, Marko and
Sailer, Andre},
title        = {AIDASoft/DD4hep},
month        = oct,
year         = 2018,
note         = {webpage:},
doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.592244},
url          = {}


CHEP 2019



FCC Software Workshop and Hands-on Tutorial

EIC Software Meeting on Detector and Physics Simulations

ACAT 2019

AIDA 2020 - WP14 Face to Face Meeting


ROOT Users' Workshop

CHEP 2018




HSF Software Forum


AIDA-2020 3nd Annual Meeting


AIDA-2020 2nd Annual Meeting

Computing Round Table

EP-SFT Group Meeting


CHEP 2016




ROOT Users' Workshop

LHeC Workshop

CHEP 2015




AIDA-2020 Kick-off meeting


AIDA Final Meeting

AIDA 3rd Annual Meeting


AIDA 2nd Annual Meeting

CHEP 2013




AIDA 1st Annual Meeting


The user base of DD4hep consists of the following experiments/collaborations Using in production The following collaboration and projects are using DD4hep as part of their production software chain CEPC Collaboration Visualisation of the CEPC detector in DD4hep CLICdp Collaboration Visualisation of the CLIC detector in DD4hep CMS Collaboration Visualisation of the CMS tracker in DD4hep FCC - Future Circular Collider Study Visualisation of one of the FCC detectors in DD4hep [Read More]


The Compact Description The compact detector description is based on concepts of the linear collider detector simulation. The compact description is provided in XML format, has a minimalistic form and was designed with the aim for conceptual design studies. Since the parsers of DD4hep do not validate the schema of the XML it facilitates simple addition of new elements and attributes into the detector description. The information in the XML is per-se not enough for a comprehensive detector description. [Read More]


About DD4hep For a long time, high energy physics experiments have been striving to develop software tools for the complete description of detector models based a single source of information. For the success of an experiment it is important to provide a consistent detector description to simulation, reconstruction and analysis applications from a single source. When referring to the detector description this includes, in addition to the geometry and the materials used in the device, also parameters describing e. [Read More]

v01-30 2024-08-25 Andre Sailer (PR#1317) DDSim: regexSD fix infinite loop, but change the interface from assignment to dictionary entries. Have to ensure only a single entry of a detector is given to the RegexSD 2024-08-15 Sanghyun Ko (PR#1315) DDSim: prevent Geometry.regexSensitiveDetector from always throwing exception when called with argument. 2024-08-13 Andre Sailer (PR#1312) GitlabCI: drop Flake check, since we have that on github as well 2024-08-12 Andre Sailer (PR#1310) [Read More]