DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Geant4EventReaderHepMC.cpp File Reference
#include <DDG4/IoStreams.h>
#include <DDG4/Geant4InputAction.h>
#include <DDG4/Factories.h>
#include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
#include <DDG4/Geant4Primary.h>
#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
#include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>

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class  dd4hep::sim::Geant4EventReaderHepMC
 Class to populate Geant4 primaries from HepMC(2) files. More...
class  dd4hep::sim::HepMC::EventHeader
 HepMC EventHeader class used internally by the Geant4EventReaderHepMC plugin. More...
class  dd4hep::sim::HepMC::EventStream
 HepMC EventStream class used internally by the Geant4EventReaderHepMC plugin. More...


 Plugin to read HepMC2 ASCII files.
 Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 HepMC namespace declaration.


using PropertyMask = dd4hep::detail::ReferenceBitMask< int >


enum  dd4hep::sim::HepMC::known_io {
  dd4hep::sim::HepMC::gen =1, dd4hep::sim::HepMC::ascii, dd4hep::sim::HepMC::extascii, dd4hep::sim::HepMC::ascii_pdt,
 The known_io enum is used to track which type of input is being read. More...


char dd4hep::sim::HepMC::get_input (std::istream &is, std::istringstream &iline)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_until_event_end (std::istream &is)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_weight_names (EventStream &, std::istringstream &iline)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_particle (EventStream &info, std::istringstream &iline, Geant4Particle *p)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_vertex (EventStream &info, std::istream &is, std::istringstream &iline)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_event_header (EventStream &info, std::istringstream &input, EventHeader &header)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_cross_section (EventStream &info, std::istringstream &input)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_units (EventStream &info, std::istringstream &input)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_heavy_ion (EventStream &, std::istringstream &input)
int dd4hep::sim::HepMC::read_pdf (EventStream &, std::istringstream &input)
Geant4Vertexdd4hep::sim::HepMC::vertex (EventStream &info, int i)
void dd4hep::sim::HepMC::fix_particles (EventStream &info)

Typedef Documentation

◆ PropertyMask

using PropertyMask = dd4hep::detail::ReferenceBitMask<int>

Definition at line 98 of file Geant4EventReaderHepMC.cpp.