DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
DDEve: dd4hep event display components, classes and objects

dd4hep Event display components, classes and functions More...


class  dd4hep::Annotation
 Class to add annotations to eve viewers. More...
class  dd4hep::DDEveHit
 DDEve event classes: Basic hit. More...
class  dd4hep::DDEveParticle
 Data structure to store the MC particle information. More...
class  dd4hep::EventControl
 Event input control for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O. More...
struct  dd4hep::DDEveHitActor
 Event data actor base class for hits. Used to extract data from concrete classes. More...
struct  dd4hep::DDEveParticleActor
 Event data actor base class for particles. Used to extract data from concrete classes. More...
class  dd4hep::EventHandler
 Event handler base class: Interface to all DDEve I/O actions. More...
class  dd4hep::EventConsumer
 Event event consumer base class for DDEve: Interface class for event I/O. More...
class  dd4hep::GenericEventHandler
 Event handler base class. Interface to all DDEve I/O actions. More...
class  dd4hep::DDEve::SimulationHit
 SimulationHit definition. More...
class  dd4hep::ContextMenuHandler
 DD4hep specific handler for TEve context menus. More...
class  dd4hep::ContextMenu
 DD4hep specific TEve context menu. More...

Detailed Description

dd4hep Event display components, classes and functions