DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
dd4hep classes and objects

Generic shared objects and functions for all dd4hep areas. More...


struct  dd4hep::Callback::mfunc_t
 Structure definition to store callback related data. More...
class  dd4hep::Callback::Wrapper< T >
 Wrapper around a C++ member function pointer. More...
class  dd4hep::Callback
 Definition of the generic callback structure for member functions. More...
struct  dd4hep::CallbackSequence
 Definition of an actor on sequences of callbacks. More...
class  dd4hep::detail::DD4hepUI
 ROOT interactive UI for dd4hep applications. More...
class  dd4hep::SensitiveDetectorObject
 Data class with properties of sensitive detectors. More...
class  dd4hep::DetElementObject
 Data class with properties of a detector element. More...
class  dd4hep::WorldObject
 Data class with properties of a detector element. More...
class  dd4hep::ExtensionEntry
 Definition of the extension entry interface class. More...
class  dd4hep::detail::SimpleExtension< Q, T >
 Implementation class for the object extension mechanism. More...
class  dd4hep::detail::DeleteExtension< Q, T >
 Implementation class for the object extension mechanism. More...
class  dd4hep::detail::CopyDeleteExtension< Q, T >
 Implementation class for the object extension mechanism. More...
class  dd4hep::BasicGrammar
 Base class describing string evaluation to C++ objects using boost::spirit. More...
class  dd4hep::Grammar< TYPE >
 Concrete type dependent grammar definition. More...
class  dd4hep::GrammarRegistry
 Grammar registry interface. More...
class  dd4hep::InstanceCount::Counter
 Internal class to could object constructions and destructions. More...
struct  dd4hep::InstanceCount
 Helper to support object counting when debugging memory leaks. More...
struct  dd4hep::Increment< T >
 Helper class to count call stack depths of certain functions. More...
struct  dd4hep::detail::ValueBinder
 Helper class to bind string values to C++ data objects (primitive or complex) More...
struct  dd4hep::detail::VectorBinder
 Helper class to bind string values to a STL vector of data objects (primitive or complex) More...
struct  dd4hep::detail::ListBinder
 Helper class to bind string values to a STL list of data objects (primitive or complex) More...
struct  dd4hep::detail::SetBinder
 Helper class to bind string values to a STL set of data objects (primitive or complex) More...
struct  dd4hep::detail::MapBinder
 Helper class to bind STL map objects. More...
class  dd4hep::detail::OpaqueDataBinder
 Helper class to bind string values to C++ data items. More...
class  dd4hep::Path
 Path handling class. More...
struct  dd4hep::PluginDebug
 Helper to debug plugin manager calls. More...
class  dd4hep::LayerSlice
 Class to describe the slice of one layer in a layering stack. More...
class  dd4hep::Layer
 Class to describe one layer in a layering stack. More...
class  dd4hep::LayerStack
 Class to describe a layering stack. More...
class  dd4hep::Layering
 Class to convert a layering object from the compact notation. More...
class  dd4hep::dd4hep_file< T >
 dd4hep file handling extension to boost::iostreams More...
class  dd4hep::dd4hep_file_source< T >
 dd4hep file source extension to boost::iostreams More...
class  dd4hep::dd4hep_file_sink< T >
 dd4hep file sink extension to boost::iostreams More...
class  dd4hep::sim::Geant4PythonAction
 Base class to initialize a multi-threaded or single threaded Geant4 application. More...

Detailed Description

Generic shared objects and functions for all dd4hep areas.