DD4hep  1.31.0
Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics
Namespaces | Functions
Geant4InputHandling.h File Reference
#include <DDG4/Geant4Primary.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit.
 Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit.


Geant4Vertexdd4hep::sim::createPrimary (const G4PrimaryVertex *g4)
 Create a vertex object from its G4 counterpart. More...
Geant4Particledd4hep::sim::createPrimary (int particle_id, const Geant4Vertex *v, const G4PrimaryParticle *g4p)
 Create a particle object from its G4 counterpart. More...
Geant4PrimaryInteractiondd4hep::sim::createPrimary (int mask, Geant4PrimaryMap *pm, std::set< G4PrimaryVertex * >const &primaries)
 Create a DDG4 interaction record from a Geant4 interaction defined by a primary vertex. More...
int dd4hep::sim::generationInitialization (const Geant4Action *caller, const Geant4Context *context)
 Initialize the generation of one event. More...
int dd4hep::sim::mergeInteractions (const Geant4Action *caller, const Geant4Context *context)
 Merge all interactions present in the context. More...
int dd4hep::sim::boostInteraction (const Geant4Action *caller, Geant4PrimaryEvent::Interaction *inter, double alpha)
 Boost particles of one interaction identified by its mask. More...
int dd4hep::sim::smearInteraction (const Geant4Action *caller, Geant4PrimaryEvent::Interaction *inter, double dx, double dy, double dz, double dt)
 Smear the primary vertex of an interaction. More...
int dd4hep::sim::generatePrimaries (const Geant4Action *caller, const Geant4Context *context, G4Event *event)
 Generate all primary vertices corresponding to the merged interaction. More...