4 Example Walkthrough

4.1 Example to Save Conditions to a ROOT File

To illustrate the usage of the DDCond package when saving conditions, an example is discussed here in detail. The full example is part of the conditions unit tests and can be found in the DD4hep examples.
(See examples/Conditions/src/ConditionExample_manual_save.cpp).

The examples uses conditions names and detector element names explicitly and hence requires a fixed detector description being loaded in memory. For simplicity we use here the Minitel example from the examples/ClientTests. However, the example is very generic and also the conditions are ”generic”, hence any geometry would work.


A valid compact geometry description to be loaded during the program startup.

Plugin Invocation:

A valid example conditions data file is required. Then use the default way to invoke plugins:
$ > geoPluginRun-destroy
-inputfile : ${DD4hep_DIR}examplesAlignDetcompactTelescope.xml

Example Code:

  int          num_run    = <number of condition loads>;   const string conditions = <conditions file name>;   const string geometry   = <geometry compact xml description";   description.fromXML(geometry);   description.apply("DD4hep_ConditionsManagerInstaller",0,(char**)0);   ConditionsManager manager = ConditionsManager::from(description);   manager["PoolType"]       = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool";   manager["UserPoolType"]   = "DD4hep_ConditionsMapUserPool";   manager["UpdatePoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool";   manager.initialize();   shared_ptr<ConditionsContent> content(new ConditionsContent());   shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice>   slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));   const IOVType*    iov_typ = manager.registerIOVType(0,"run").second;   if ( 0 == iov_typ )     except("ConditionsPrepare","++ Conditions IOV type registration failed!");   Scanner(ConditionsKeys(*content,INFO),description.world());   Scanner(ConditionsDependencyCreator(*content,DEBUG),description.world());   // Have 10 run-slices [11,20] .... [91,100]   for(int i=0; i<num_run; ++i)  {     IOV iov(iov_typ, IOV::Key(1+i*10,(i+1)*10));     ConditionsPool*   iov_pool = manager.registerIOV(*iov.iovType, iov.key());     // Create conditions with all deltas. Use a generic creator     Scanner(ConditionsCreator(*slice, *iov_pool, INFO),description.world(),0,true);   }




Definition of processing parameters.


Load the detector description using the compact notation.


Install the conditions manager implementation using the plugin mechanism.


Access conditions manager instance from the Detector interface.


Configure the properties of the conditions manager.


Initialize the conditions manager instance.


Create an empty ConditionsSlice instance the container with the desired conditions content.


Register IOV type the Conditions Manager. The IOV types are part of the conditions persistency mechanism. They may not change with time and have to be defined by the experiment once and for all!


This is example specific and only a shortcut to fill the required conditions content and the derivation rules.
In real life this would be intrinsic to the experiment’s data processing framework.


Populate the ConditionsContent instance with the addresses (keys) of the conditions required: We scan the DetElement hierarchy and add a couple of conditions for each DetElement


Add for each DetElement 3 derived conditions, which all depend on the persistent condition derived_data.
In the real world this would be very specific derived actions.

4.2 Example to Load and Prepare Conditions(Slices)

To illustrate the usage of the DDCond package when loading conditions, an example is discussed here in detail. The full example is part of the conditions unit tests and can be found in the DD4hep examples.
(See examples/Conditions/src/ConditionExample_manual_load.cpp).

The examples uses conditions names and detector element names explicitly and hence requires a fixed detector description being loaded in memory. For simplicity we use here the Minitel example from the examples/ClientTests. However, the example is very generic and also the conditions are ”generic”, hence any geometry would work.


A valid example conditions data file is required, since in this example we load the conditions and inject them to the store from an already existing root file. To obtain such a file for a given geometry, execute the example plugin:
$ > geoPluginRun-destroy
-inputfile : ${DD4hep_DIR}examplesAlignDetcompactTelescope.xml

Plugin Invocation:

A valid example conditions data file is required. Then use the default way to invoke plugins:
$ > geoPluginRun-destroy
-inputfile : ${DD4hep_DIR}examplesAlignDetcompactTelescope.xml

Example Code:

  int          num_run    = <number of condition loads>;   const string conditions = <conditions file name>;   const string geometry   = <geometry compact xml description";   description.fromXML(geometry);   description.apply("DD4hep_ConditionsManagerInstaller",0,(char**)0);   ConditionsManager manager = ConditionsManager::from(description);   manager["PoolType"]       = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool";   manager["UserPoolType"]   = "DD4hep_ConditionsMapUserPool";   manager["UpdatePoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool";   manager["LoaderType"]     = "root";   manager.initialize();   shared_ptr<ConditionsContent> content(new ConditionsContent());   shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice>   slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));   Scanner(ConditionsKeys(*content,INFO),description.world());   Scanner(ConditionsDependencyCreator(*content,DEBUG),description.world());   const IOVType* iov_typ = manager.iovType("run");   for ( int irun=0; irun < num_runs; ++irun )  {     IOV iov(iov_typ,irun*10+5);     ConditionsManager::Result r = manager.prepare(iov,*slice);     if ( r.missing != 0 )  {        except("Example",               "Conditions prepare step for IOV %s FAILED. There are %ld missing conditions.",               r.missing, iov.str().c_str());     }     Scanner(ConditionsPrinter(slice.get(),"Example"),description.world());   }




Definition of processing parameters.


Load the detector description using the compact notation.


Install the conditions manager implementation using the plugin mechanism.


Access conditions manager instance from the Detector interface.


Configure the properties of the conditions manager.


Initialize the conditions manager instance.


Create an empty ConditionsSlice instance the container with the desired conditions content.


This is example specific and only a shortcut to fill the required conditions content and the derivation rules.
In real life this would be intrinsic to the experiment’s data processing framework.


Populate the ConditionsContent instance with the addresses (keys) of the conditions required: We scan the DetElement hierarchy and add a couple of conditions for each DetElement


Add for each DetElement 3 derived conditions, which all depend on the persistent condition derived_data.
In the real world this would be very specific derived actions.


Emulate a pseudo event loop: Our conditions are of type ”run”.


This is the IOV we want to use for this ”processing step”. The conditions filled into the slice during the prepare step will satisfy this IOV requirement.


Conditions prepare step. Select the proper set of conditions from the store (or load them if needed). Attach the selected conditions to the user pool.


Check the result of the prepare step. If anything would be missing, the parameter r.missing ofthe return code would be non-zero.


Emulate data processing algorithms: Here we only scan the DetElement tree and print all conditions.
We know what we expect since we defined the content the same way! In the printer we can access the conditions directly from the slice, since the slice implements the ConditionsMap interface.