2 Running the CLICSiD Example

DDEve is started using the root executable. In the following we describe how to start a display application of DDEve using the CLICSiD example.

$> root.exe $DD4hepINSTALL/examples/DDEve/DDEve.C

When the command is issued the following display shows up:


Figure 1: The DDEve startup view.

Click on ”Dismiss” then the file browser opens and you have to select a DDEve configuration file:


Figure 2: The DDEve popup dialog to open the XML configuration file.

Move to the directory $DD4hepINSTALL/examples/CLIDSid/eve and open the DDEve configuration file DDEve.xml. The basic idea is that DDEve as an application is truly generic.

Next you should see the default pane with the instantiated CLICSiD detector:


Figure 3: The DDEve default view showing the loaded detector.

Then open from the "DD4hep" menu the item "Open Event Data". Move again to the directory $DD4hepINSTALL/examples/CLIDSid/eve and open the sample file CLICSiD_Events.root containing a sample of events being the output of a DDG4 simulation step:


Figure 4: The popup dialog to open event data files.

Using the "Views" menu other predefined detector views may be used.

The "Eve" tab on the pane to the left allows to further customize the predefined views, the Evt I/O tab to control which event should be displayed.


Figure 5: An example of a customized view with sub-panes. Please proceed to the XML configuration file how to create a predefined view.


Figure 6: Calorimeter energy deposits in the ECAL (red) and the HCAL(blue).


Figure 7: HCAL calorimeter deposits together with Monte-Carlo tracks.